Solved Password Protect TabCtl

Harry Taylor

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:06
Jul 10, 2012
Hi programmers,

More help if you can 😊

I have the following tab control on a form;


Tab1 = Page430
Tab2 = Page431
Tab3 = Page444

I want to password protect Tab2 (Move Records) with password “1925”
Ideally so you cant even see the buttons.

If the password is incorrect etc go to field S_Contact

(Tab1 & 3 not password protected)

I've googled and got a code but doesn't work 100%

Any help would be appreciated
And you cannot show your code? :(
In the Change event of the tab control, maybe something like:

If Me.TabCtl=2 Then
    If Inputbox("Password")<>"1925" Then
    End If
End If
I think i'm there;

Private Sub TabCtl429_Change()

Dim strInput As String
Dim ctl As Control

' Hide controls on tab until correct password is entered
For Each ctl In Controls
If ctl.Tag = "*" Then
ctl.Visible = False
End If
Next ctl

' If tab page with Tab Index of 1 is selected
' show InputBox asking for password
If TabCtl429.Value = 1 Then
strInput = InputBox("Please enter a password to access this tab", _
"Restricted Access")

' Check if value is entered into InputBox
' If no value entered display MsgBox
If strInput = "" Or strInput = Empty Then
MsgBox "No Password Entered", , "Access Denied"
Exit Sub
End If

' Check InputBox value and if value is a match
' display tab and unhide hidden fields
If strInput = "password" Then

For Each ctl In Controls
If ctl.Tag = "*" Then
ctl.Visible = True
End If
Next ctl
' If incorrect password supplied return to tab (index 0)
MsgBox ("Incorrect Password")

Exit Sub
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub TabCtl2_Change()

  Const TabName = "tabCtl2" ' name of your tab
  Const PageNumber = 1  'The index of page to hide. remember they are zero based
  Const Password = "ABC"  'your password

  Dim strInput As String
  Dim ctl As Control

' Hide controls on tab until correct password is entered
'Set focus on something that you are not going to hide.  If not you will through an error if something on the page has focus and you try to hide it
    For Each ctl In Me.Controls  ' need me.controls
      If ctl.Tag = "*" Then ctl.Visible = False
    Next ctl

' If tab page with Tab Index of 1 is selected
' show InputBox asking for password
If Controls(TabName).Value = PageNumber Then
  strInput = InputBox("Please enter a password to access this tab", "Restricted Access")

' Check if value is entered into InputBox
' If no value entered display MsgBox
    If strInput & "" = "" Then
      MsgBox "Must provide a Password", , "Access Denied"
      Me.Controls(TabName).Value = 0
    ElseIf strInput <> Password Then
      MsgBox "Wrong Password", , "Access Denied"
      Me.Controls(TabName).Value = 0
      For Each ctl In Me.Controls
      If ctl.Tag = "*" Then
        ctl.Visible = True
      End If
      Next ctl
    End If
End If
End Sub

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