Password Protection of db


Dazed and Confused
Local time
Yesterday, 23:17
Jan 5, 2001
I have an .mde FE that conntects to an .mdb BE.

I use installshield to package this together as a distributable application.

Just recently, a user asked if I could password protect the db.

I know how to password protect the BE, but how do pass the password params to the BE from the FE on start of the app?

I have deleted all the linked tables from the FE and re-linked to the password protected DB.

I have a form that will re-link tables, but when this form is used to connect to a db, I get a 'not a valid password' error.
Last edited:
In my distributed FE/BE application, I password protect the FE, but not the BE, and use a command line batch file to startup the FE, eg.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" C:\a\Access\2002\Security\Securitytest.mdb /wrkgrp C:\a\Access\2002\Security\Secured.mdw

The mdw file, built via Access, contains the password information.

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