Percentage Change in Value (2 Viewers)


Registered User.
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Today, 04:19
Dec 26, 2009

Could we please receive assistance in fixing our Access 2003 form to show the Percentage change in values?

The formulas that we have tried do not work.

If the SHARE COST has NO VALUE a percentage is not required.

Thank you.



Perhaps something like: =([Current_Price]-[Net_Share_Cost])/[Net_Share_Cost]
as the Record Source of the textbox called Percentage_PC

If you are intending to do anything else with this db I would suggest that you Normalize it and get rid of the many "Lookup" fields that you have.
Lookups should be on forms, not in tables.
Perhaps something like: =([Current_Price]-[Net_Share_Cost])/[Net_Share_Cost]
as the Record Source of the textbox called Percentage_PC

If you are intending to do anything else with this db I would suggest that you Normalize it and get rid of the many "Lookup" fields that you have.
Lookups should be on forms, not in tables.
Thank you Bob Fitz, P.E.R.F.E.C.T.
We know our databases need to be cleaned up as they go back to 1992. We are working on moving them all up to MsAccess 2010,


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