Persecution of Christianity (1 Viewer)


Lifelong Learner
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Today, 12:45
Mar 14, 2017


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 12:45
Mar 14, 2017
Hard to deny the whole thing has gone a bit too far - unless you yourself are in the thick of hatred, and planning to be the first to throw the stone..


Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Today, 14:45
Feb 28, 2001
If the people attacking the LGBTQ+ community forget the Golden Rule or refuse to follow it then perhaps the legislation is warranted.

The Bible doesn't give its followers license to ignore the inconvenient parts. The Great Forgiver advised His followers to "turn the other cheek" - not seven times, but seventy times 7 (which for the ignorant people among the commoners in those days, was effectively infinite - uncountable large.) Hanging from a cross, wearing a crown of thorns, and having a spear wound in His side, He said "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."

At most, LGBTQ+ is like a thorn in the side, and yet some Christians find it intolerable. If moral principles as extolled in the Bible aren't enough, then perhaps it will take laws. Then perhaps they will "render unto to Caesar that which is Caesar's" and stop harassing the LGBTQ+ community. Pardon me if I don't hold my breath on that one.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Today, 15:45
Feb 19, 2002
Laws are NOT the answer. You can't legislate against hatred or stupidity.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 12:45
Mar 14, 2017
If the people attacking the LGBTQ+ community forget the Golden Rule or refuse to follow it then perhaps the legislation is warranted.

The Bible doesn't give its followers license to ignore the inconvenient parts. The Great Forgiver advised His followers to "turn the other cheek" - not seven times, but seventy times 7 (which for the ignorant people among the commoners in those days, was effectively infinite - uncountable large.) Hanging from a cross, wearing a crown of thorns, and having a spear wound in His side, He said "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."

At most, LGBTQ+ is like a thorn in the side, and yet some Christians find it intolerable. If moral principles as extolled in the Bible aren't enough, then perhaps it will take laws. Then perhaps they will "render unto to Caesar that which is Caesar's" and stop harassing the LGBTQ+ community. Pardon me if I don't hold my breath on that one.

Nobody's attacking the LGBT community, what they're attacking is the LGBT community's aggressive attempts to force unwilling people to take part in learning things that they disagree with. And for that, they ought to be attacked.

The saying "Mind your own business" comes to mind as far as the whole thing where they're trying to shove it down everyone's throat.
In the bitterest of all ironies, that's precisely what the gays claimed they were going to do originally - but it didn't turn out that way did it?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 15:45
Jul 5, 2006
Nobody's attacking the LGBT community, what they're attacking is the LGBT community's aggressive attempts to force unwilling people to take part in learning things that they disagree with. And for that, they ought to be attacked.
I would suggest a minor modification to broaden what is happening:
Nobody's attacking the LGBT community, what they're attacking is the LGBT community's aggressive attempts to force unwilling people to take part in learning participating things that they disagree with.
The reason is that people are being "forced" to participate in LGBT events and/or wear clothing publicly celebrtatying LGBT. Even the government and NGO (non-government organizations) have made it a disciplinary event not to publicly support the LGBT community. "A University Fired 2 Employees for Including Their Pronouns in Emails". "NHL player scolded for skipping Pride event launches debate over forced activism: 'I think it's ridiculous'"

Jordan Peterson, in the past has made some comments something along the line of: "If you offend me, I have a right to offend you." The LGBT community has (falsely) claimed that they have a right to offend you, but you don't have a right to respond. That is wrong.

So if Person "A" want to fly a pride flag, person "B" should have equal rights to fly a White pride flag.

The video clip from Jordan Peterson below is now 5 years old, but is still very germane.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 12:45
Mar 14, 2017
If the people attacking the LGBTQ+ community forget the Golden Rule or refuse to follow it then perhaps the legislation is warranted.

Plus Nashville and that's just in the last couple months. And I just picked two out of dozens of events all over the country. So who's attacking who


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 12:45
Mar 14, 2017
And even if it were true, let's say hypothetically according to Doc, that there have been some instances of Christians bullying or "attacking" gays, why should the solution be to literally attack all Christians and make their existence illegal?

Brutal response?

Where's the love, Doc?

Answer, and I think this is progress for you and I ::

We can now say in no uncertain terms that NEITHER of us believe that "Love" means "always going easy on someone".

I'd just like to hear one progressive minded person admit that - which they sorta have to do when they're in the act of cancelling someone.


Local time
Today, 15:45
Jan 11, 2013
Plus Nashville and that's just in the last couple months. And I just picked two out of dozens of events all over the country. So who's attacking who

Who ever would have thought thats possible in womens volleyball.

Last edited:

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 15:45
Jul 5, 2006
Study Finds That Football and Women’s Volleyball Players Have Highest Rates of Concussion Injuries
@moke123: The study you cited is essentially an example of misdirection. Volleyball players may have the highest rates of concussion injures (as an all-woman) sport. It does not address the fact that men have a greater physical advantage that can cause greater injury to the person being hurt. The presense of a man changes the dynamics of the woman's volleyball sport to the women's detriment.
Think of what would happen to a Prius if it is hit by a Mack truck.:unsure:


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 12:45
Mar 14, 2017
Think of what would happen to a Prius if it is hit by a Mack truck


And further imagine someone suggesting that their difference in damage capability should be overlooked because the road they were driving on is known to be accident-prone.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:45
Feb 28, 2001
Laws are NOT the answer. You can't legislate against hatred or stupidity.

Sad but true, Pat. It makes me feel save in one way, though. We cannot be taken over by AI. That is because of something I learned back in the mid 1960s... Artifical Intelligence cannot cope with natural stupidity.

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