Pervasive Connection String

Heehee - I agree - Yes I'm running P10 on my machine. Not sure if the version (11 & 12) will be diffrent but you have to pay for them - and just to test - not so sure. Surely the connection side should have been sorted in version 10 and only cometic changes done later on....who knows. Seems like they've been aquired by another company as well so the plot thinkens. So if I cannot connect to it I will have to connect to access as a 'middleman' interface just to 'carry' the tables but I'm even stuck there. At them moment I'm building the reports using FPDF based on data I manually impored into MySQL just so I can at least get some work done.
well I can do at this point is wish you well, cuz i don't have the tools over here. so I've put in all I can. sorry man!
No problem. I've totally thinking out the box. So I've created an almost emply shell Access db whos sole function it is to on open:
1. Link to the Pervasive DB
2. Export the tables to MySQL
3. Open the Website where all the magic happens (well the FPDF report are generated)
4. Close
(All without the User even knowing about it and thinking the Desktop shortcut only opens the Website :)

So far it works well after dealing with tables that already exists etc
The people who frown upon my method are welcome to provide a direct solution to connect to Pervasive via PHP... :)
Sleep-tite (my timezone anyway)
(All without the User even knowing about it and thinking the Desktop shortcut only opens the Website
you're not that clever, buddy. people around here make the program object invisible all the time. ;)
The people who frown upon my method are welcome to provide a direct solution to connect to Pervasive via PHP...
nobody frowns on it, but I doubt you're going to find a PHP expert here. there aren't many web developers on this forum.

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