Please help me uncomplicate this


New member
Local time
Tomorrow, 00:38
Sep 4, 2018
I'm a complete noob who has gotten way too fixed on one idea of how to do something and it's gotten way too complicated.
I'm also going to preface this by saying i completely agree that adding controls at runtime is a bad idea but it seemed the only way. I would like to find a diferent way.
ok so.....

What i am trying to achieve is this:

I have a list of employees in a specific department.
I have a list of jobs in the same department.
i have a table called 'run' that asks for 'date, runNo(1,2,3), empID,jobID'

i want to create a form that the user inputs the date and runNo at the top, then a set list of all the jobs below it is shown and a combobox with employees is next to it.
after put all the employees into the form, they submit it and it adds records for each individual employee at that specific job.

This will allow the user to create multiple records at once to record who was working where at the specific time.

My original design has a form with dynamically created list of jobs and comboboxes, which technically does work..... but i'd like to try and do it a much simpler way.

Do i need another table in there to store the intermediary data before putting them into individual insert/append statements?
Is it a thing that is even possible?

Am i looking at the idea completely backwards?

Am i making any sense whatsoever?

Thanks for the help, i'm just getting more and more complicated with something that i don't think should be.
Post a picture of how you actually want it!
And what you already have.
dont make the control dynamic at runtime, use Hidden controls and show them if there is at least a record to show.

what is the ultimate goal?
Sorry i don't have it in front of me ATM so i made the worlds worst Paint pic. I can do better tomorrow

This is how i have it currently

the ultimate goal is to keep a record of who was performing what job in the on the specific day.

This will allow us quality control tracing as well as hour accrual for job competency.

I would like it to be one big form, but that may not be possible with the way i have structured the tables.


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I also considered the idea of having a table with each job as a field, but with around 200 jobs that seemed like a bad idea, especially with the jobs changing from time to time.
Can more than one employee perform the same job on the same day / time?
Can an employee not change jobs during the day (even before the job is completed).
How many employees are there in a department?
An employee stays on the same job for the whole run.
There are multiple people performing the same task.
For ID/tracking purposes they are the same job.
There are roughly 200 people performing 200 jobs.

Sorry for the hassle, thanks for your time.
Thanks for the info, but I can't imagine an easier way to do it, that than you show in the attached picture.
So I look forward to see, how you imagine an easier method! :)

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