Please suggest me a Good Book on Grandma-Grandson Bonding?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 08:56
Mar 22, 2009
I lost my Grandmother last year. At the time of her death I don't know why I wasn't missing her much. But now-a-days all the scenes are rewinding in front of my Eyes: From the way she bathed me to the way she cared me to clean me after I go to bathroom.

Typing with Tears in my Eyes. Please suggest. I want to re-live my life with her. Once again.

Please take care of your grandparents while they are with you otherwise you will cry a lot after them... Please.. Please. Please. Take care of them.
You are grieving. It is normal to feel grief, because that is a recognition that your life has forever changed in an unwanted way. I wish I could tell you more about it, but my last living grandparent died when I was 3 and I have only one vague and blurry memory of her. I can't see her face, only her silver-gray hair highlighted by the sun. Almost any book on grief will help and I don't know what would be available in your area.

I know this: I still miss my parents, who are also gone. When they first pass on, you remember them when they were in their worst health. Your own mind plays this nasty trick on you by recalling the most recent (freshest) memory, which is the time of loss. As time passes, you can begin to recall the more pleasant times and can look back at the really GOOD moments. That is all I can suggest. You never actually get over such a loss, though you can get past the loss as the harshest memories become less intense. This is DEFINITELY a case of "time heals all wounds."

Good luck my friend.
I didn't know 3 out of my 4 grandparents, although the legacy of hard work and faith that one of them left lives on still today in the lives of his offspring. Sorry to hear of your loss.
This very same day she left us. Before 2 years...

With a Guilty Heart,
A Grandson failed to protect back his Saviour...
I sometimes get a bit weepy in May and August of each year because those are the months in which my parents died. I was too young to remember my paternal grandmother's death.

Dad passed in May, 1982 - and now, approaching the 41st anniversary of his passing, I will still think of him as he collected money for a Crippled Children's Hospital by "shaking his can" at passing motorists. Then he came home out of sweltering heat and went to the funeral of one of his lifelong friends. When he was leaving that service, he got in his car and had his fatal heart attack.

This August, I will look back to Mom, who faded away due to Alzheimer's Disease in 1987. This year she will be gone 36 years. I still miss her, too.

@prabha_friend - don't look back to your grandmother's loss. It is time to remember the good things you did with her. It is time to remember WHY you loved her so much and WHY you miss her so much now. It is in THOSE remembrances that you will begin to find peace - by finding in your memory that in YOU, she is still alive.

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