@NauticalGent I don't think the Republicans are utopia-bringers, I think it's entirely possible that the best they could or would accomplish would be to mostly stave off the much worse state of affairs that would result from the Democrats widely known agenda on various issues.
So while my enthusiasm for Republicans may seem to be high, it doesn't mean I think they will actually deliver on all the theoretical conservative principles necessarily - rather it just means that I'm actually THAT excited about just being able to stop the Democrats from doing what they most want to do. Your point serves as a good reminder not to expect too much from either party.
Honestly these "the Republicans aren't so great either" comments from the last few months have made me think about the issue. Are they really that bad? Then why do I instinctively feel as if they are doing more or less what they ought or are able to? (I asked myself).
I suppose the answer lies with the concept of compromise, and also harm mitigation.
1) They have to get re-elected
2) Each area has to work with several other branches of government and/or houses.
Those 2 things are not to be underestimated. It means that the best they can do right now, and possibly into the foreseeable future, is implement as much conservative policy
as is possible to do and continue to get elected, and,
as much as is possible to do while working with the executive branch, other houses, and while surviving the inevitable judicial review
Because of all that, I'm not upset at the Republicans. Yeah, they could probably have done some things differently, but I'm sensitive to the context they're working in. The tea party tried, but it couldn't get reelected. You can't change the world from your basement. (Unless you're Biden of course!)