Populate options depending on Dropdown selection


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Today, 10:29
May 1, 2019
Hi All,

I've been working on a Template that is able to populate different options depending on a Dropdown selection.

If a certain selection is made, below the dropdown, text will display (which includes legacy form fields), but that text will change as soon as another selection is made.

I was able to make it work with the following Code using, Selection.Font.Hidden = True or Selection.Font.Hidden = False, accordingly.
Using Hidden Fonts the user won't lose any edits to the hidden fields if they mistakenly select a different dropdown option.

The text to be displayed or hidden is determined by set bookmarks that are easily identified by their descriptive bookmark name.

Sub UpdateOptions()
Dim bProtected As Boolean
    'Unprotect the file
    If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType <> wdNoProtection Then
        bProtected = True
        ActiveDocument.Unprotect Password:=""
    End If
' ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(Index:=strBookmark).Delete
'Self-Service (Online)
'Help On-Demand
'Contact Covered California
'County Appointment
    Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("ClientChoiceDropdown").Result
            Case "   "
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CCCStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CCCEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CountyStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CountyEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
        Case "Self-Service (Online)"
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = False
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CCCStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CCCEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CountyStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CountyEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
        Case "Help On-Demand"
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = False
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CCCStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CCCEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CountyStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CountyEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
        Case "CCC"
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CCCStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CCCEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = False
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CountyStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CountyEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
        Case "County Appointment"
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("SelfServiceEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CCCStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CCCEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True
            Range(Me.Bookmarks("CountyStart").Start, Me.Bookmarks("CountyEnd").End).Select
            Selection.Font.Hidden = False
            SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
    End Select
If bProtected = True Then
        ActiveDocument.Protect _
                Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, _
                NoReset:=True, _
    End If
End Sub

But I got a problem. If I right click open t

But I got a problem. If I right click open the template, everything works, but if I double click on the template, a new document is opened and I get an error:
"This command is not available because no document is open."

Those that will be working with this template will never save the New File created, but either way, I tried saving the file and the error still appears.

I'm not sure what to do so avoid this error.

I have attached photos of how the document should be with every Dropdown selection under "Client Choice"

I've also attached a photo of the error, and a zip file that contains the Macro Enabled Word Document.

Thank you in advance for your help. :)



  • SelfService.PNG
    11.9 KB · Views: 189
  • OnDemand.PNG
    12.7 KB · Views: 191
    12 KB · Views: 191
  • CountyAppt.PNG
    13.2 KB · Views: 185
  • HideUnhide Dropdown Dependent.zip
    HideUnhide Dropdown Dependent.zip
    27.4 KB · Views: 198
Last edited:
I had reached the maximum attachments on the previous post.

Attached the error image here.

Thanks again.


  • No Document is open.PNG
    No Document is open.PNG
    5.1 KB · Views: 182
Changed code as follows and it's fine now.
Thank you all that looked.

Sub UpdateOptions()
    Dim bProtected As Boolean
    'Unprotect the file
    If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType <> wdNoProtection Then
        bProtected = True
        ActiveDocument.Unprotect Password:=""
    End If

            ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("SelfServiceStart").Start, ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("SelfServiceEnd").End).Font.Hidden = True
            ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandStart").Start, ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandEnd").End).Font.Hidden = True
            ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CCCStart").Start, ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CCCEnd").End).Font.Hidden = True
            ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CountyStart").Start, ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CountyEnd").End).Font.Hidden = True

    Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("ClientChoiceDropdown").Result
        Case "   "
        Case "Self-Service (Online)"
            ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("SelfServiceStart").Start, ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("SelfServiceEnd").End).Font.Hidden = False
            SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
        Case "Help On-Demand"
            ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandStart").Start, ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("HelpOnDemandEnd").End).Font.Hidden = False
            SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
        Case "CCC"
            ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CCCStart").Start, ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CCCEnd").End).Font.Hidden = False
            SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
        Case "County Appointment"
            ActiveDocument.Range(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CountyStart").Start, ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("CountyEnd").End).Font.Hidden = False
            SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
    End Select
    If bProtected = True Then
        ActiveDocument.Protect _
            Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, _
            NoReset:=True, _
    End If
End Sub

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