Populate text boxes from combo box selection???

Just opened it up and I do see that, i do apologize. I could add one then re-upload.
Add the following code behind Combo9's AfterUpdate event.
Private Sub Combo9_AfterUpdate()
[B]    Text4 = Combo9.Column(0)[/B]
[B]    Text2 = Combo9.Column(1)[/B]
[B]    Text0 = Combo9.Column(2)[/B]
End Sub
Test by changing the value in Combo9.
Is that what you want?
That is perfect! Thanks so much for this!!
That is perfect! Thanks so much for this!!
*phew* got there in the end.

You're welcome.

Not intending to be patronising at all :): Do you see what I did to get it working? If so, should be easy to replicate, the next time you have a similar problem.
Yeah, I feel pretty dumb for not realizing it was that simple. HAHA, Thanks a ton!
No problem.
Like my Dad says "Everything's easy, when you know how to do it"
I have two text fields one named ordernbrfield is on the form (Dispatch) and the other named numberfield is on a tab controller named tabctrl which resides on the same form, Dispatch. I used:
Me.ordernbrfield=comboboxname.field(1) // Works fine
Me.numberfield=comboboxname.field(2) // Doesn't work. Nothing happens. The fields are also present.
So, how can I get it to work. Thanks.

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