Positioning a Form


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Today, 02:07
Jul 10, 2003
I have a form open in a dialog window mode, which prompts the user to either print the report being displayed, or close it and go back to main menu.

Is it possible to set a position where the form opens, so that I can place on the side and the user won't have to drag it to be able to view the text on the report.


You can use the Move Size properties, or toggle the forms visible property
I tried "MoveSize" in a macro, just after "Open Form", but it didn't move. Any ideas how I can solve this? I attached a picture so that you can see what the problem is.


Is this too stupid a question for a reply? :)
I wasted almost an hour trying to move the thing a side, but it just stayed there :)
Not a stupid question at all, but rather one that comes up on this and other Access forums regularly (although it usually involves cenetring a form, as "Autocenter" doesn't really autocenter).

1) Form's AutoCenter must be set to No
2) In Design View move form to desired position
3) Click on Save
4) Close form without doing anything else

Each time the form opens thereafter it should be in this same position.

I recommend saving this tip (and others you find useful) as a Word file (with a descriptive name)in a special folder just for tips. Sooner or later you'll need it again (like 6 months from now when you modify this form). You'll grab it in design view and pull it to the center of your screen for easier access, modify it, then save it without repositioning it. When you next open it you'll wonder why it's not where you want it to be! Been there, done that!

Hope this helps.

The Missinglinq
If you turn off the auto centre and drag the form to the position you require in form view, just press ctrl+S Access will save it there
...and that solved my problem :)

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