Possible to have a button on a form that expands a textbox?


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Today, 03:39
Jul 31, 2008
Hi there,

The question is more or less the title of this thread. I have a memo field called 'Notes' which is one field of many on a form. This is not very user friendly for entering information and I wonder if the following would be possible:

A button which opens a new window with just the notes box in to give the user more space for data entry.

If anyone else has a better way of getting the desired outcome I would be grateful!

Thanks :)
In the past I have actually built a secondary form with a larger text box that the user uses to edit long text. Kind of like the zoom feature in access. I think I had it pop up when the user double clicks the original text box...
Thanks for replying. How do you make the secondary form link tho?

So for example, I create a new record in my normal form, when it comes to putting notes in, double click to go to the bigger textbox in another form but how I tell that other form what record those notes are for?
When the second form opens just set the text box in it equal to the text in the original text box. The second form/text box is not bound to any table or query. Then when you close the second pop up form do the reverse - :)
Sorry to be a pain but would you mind showing me in this example db attached?

I have tried to set the textbox value in frm_Notes to be that of the textbox value in frm_tutor but it brings up the runtime error '4250' saying for the form does not exist, even though it does :)



I found your example helpful, at least it got me on the right track, but I'm in need of a bit more. I'm fixing up an old database for the company I'm currently working for and they've been using the sendkeys command to open up the Zoom box. They have this feature for several different forms each with many records and was wondering how to apply what you did to receive the text from whatever record's text box the user double clicks using only that one pop up form and apply the changes back to that particular text box. It seems like it should be simple but my head always shuts down on Friday and I need some help piecing this one together.

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