Post up your DVD purchases.... (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 07:10
Aug 14, 2007
Been on a bit of a splurge over lunchtime as one of the local shops was having a sale, picked up.

The Host (Korean monster movie).

Ring 0: Birthday (Alrighty, been meaning to round out me ring cycle).

Pulse (J-Horror original about emos apparently).

The Simpsons Season 8.

Life on Mars Season 1 (Brit SciFi/Crime series, caught a couple of episodes on the TV and naturally forgot to watch the rest).


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:10
Feb 28, 2001
Recent DVD purchases:

I hit the Wal Mart "Two for $10" bin every now and then. Every now and then you catch a winner. I also found a flea market while vacationing in Mobile, AL. They were selling DVDs at $5 a pop. OK, older DVDs, but good containers and not pirated. Just "remaindered" - another way of saying nobody was buying that particular DVD.

The Wiz - love the music. Story hardly matters.

Doom (unrated version) - Since I play DOOM on my computer all the time, needed to have the movie, vulgar though it is.

Dark City - does in one movie what it took the Wachovsky brothers a trilogy to do (i.e. the Matrix trilogy)

The Man from Snowy River - OK, hokey story - but a great "coming of age" movie set in some really spectacular locations. And I like horse movies.

Some less recent purchases that I absolutely do not regret:

Star Wars double trilogy

Matrix trilogy

The Harry Potter series

The Mummy & The Mummy Returns - great effects, great adventure, lots of fun - with
Brendan Frasier and Rachel Weisz. Who knew that Brendan could play that class of adventurer, a lot more serious than, say, George of the Jungle?

Lord of the Rings trilogy - GOD, what a great realization of Prof. Tolkien's story!

Ben Hur

My Fair Lady

King Kong (remake)

Some purchases I sort of regret (and might soon trade in for something else):

The Avengers (modern, with Sean Connery, Uma Thurman, and Ray Fiennes) - Sorry, but they were not up to the standard set by Patrick McNee and Diana Rigg. Just NOT.

Dune (theatrical release) - with Kyle McLachlan, who must be the second-most wooden actor ever discovered. (Jack Webb was the most wooden - but he was so extreme that he was campy-good, witness the HILARIOUS Dan Aykroyd spoof of Dragnet with Tom Hanks and Harry Morgan.) Anyway, that version of Dune was an incredible disaster on almost all fronts. The SciFi channel's made-for-TV version was superior in every way.


Local time
Today, 14:10
Jan 12, 2001
As you'll see I like tv shows the best.

Adam 12 - Season 1
Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Volume 1
Black Adder - Seasons 1-4
Emergency - Season 1
Fawlty Towers, entire collection
F-Troop - Seasons 1 and 2
Futurama - Volumes 1-4
Hogan's Heroes - Seasons 1-5
Married with Children, Seasons 1 and 2
Mr. Bean - The Whole Bean
NewsRadio - Seasons 1-5
Police Squad (with Leslie Nielsen)
Red Dwarf - Seasons 1-8
The Good Life - Seasons 1-3
Welcome Back Kotter, Season 1
Wings, Season 1 and 2

D.C. Cab
Police Academy 3
Police Academy 4
Police Academy 5
Police Academy 6

Charlie Chaplin, the Legend Lives On (5 disc set)
Civil War Battlefields
Victory at Sea (3 disc set)


Local time
Today, 17:10
Aug 26, 2002
I don't buy them, I rent them. The only exceptions are DVD for kids, which my nefew can look at a great amount of time. The only DVD I have otherwise, is the special edition of Lord of the Rings that my girlfriend got me for my birthday a couple of years ago.

As for rented DVD, my last ones were:
Number 23
Ghost Rider:(
The Good Shepherd:)
Déjà vu
Casino Royal:(
The Departed:)


not feeling witty atm
Local time
Today, 14:10
Feb 13, 2007
The most recent one I bought was MS IGLOO Apocalypse 0079, a CGI treatment of stories from the Mobile Suit Gundam storyline, it's effing awesome, the 2nd episode alone is worth the price of the whole DVD.

I also picked up The Host. Seriously, if you have not seen this one, do so immediately! Giant mutant tadpole runs amok and eats people, I double dog dare anyone to watch it without getting misty eyed.

So Close. Possibly the best "girls with guns" movie ever. Another watch it without crying challenge.

Some of my collections:

Star Wars, all episodes, who could live without them?

Every Michelle Yeoh movie currently available on DVD (and the rest of her work that isn't available at the moment). If you're not a Michelle fan, I'd say watch Wing Chun and ask if you still feel that way afterwards. I'm probably one of the 3 people in the US who has a copy of Holy Weapon. :D

Gundam DVDs: War in the Pocket (0080) Stardust Memories (0083) and 8th MS Team

Aliens compilation (Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection) as well as Alien vs Predator

Lord of the Rings

Mad Max and The Road Warrior

King Kong (the remake, awesome)

And the list goes on...
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:10
Jun 26, 2007
The Number 23 was my last purchase.
It's Jim Carrey not being funny, you'd think that not possible, but it's actually not bad. You have to watch it and then not start counting things in your life!


GrumpyOldMan in Training
Local time
Today, 14:10
Dec 21, 2005
most recent DVD purchases...

Stargate SG1 seasons 1 and 10

MUPPET SHOW season 1! :)

Gotta love the Muppets :)


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Today, 14:10
Nov 8, 2005
Been on a bit of a splurge over lunchtime as one of the local shops was having a sale, picked up.

The Host (Korean monster movie).

Ring 0: Birthday (Alrighty, been meaning to round out me ring cycle).

Pulse (J-Horror original about emos apparently).

The Simpsons Season 8.

Life on Mars Season 1 (Brit SciFi/Crime series, caught a couple of episodes on the TV and naturally forgot to watch the rest).

Life on mars
brilliant little programme

the ending is fab ..
I hear its being remade for our americans friends - as some of the phrases are weird brit slang ...
but what a little gem this was - hope you enjoy this ..
both lead actors in this at the very best


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 07:10
Aug 14, 2007
Life on mars
brilliant little programme

the ending is fab ..
I hear its being remade for our americans friends - as some of the phrases are weird brit slang ...
but what a little gem this was - hope you enjoy this ..
both lead actors in this at the very best

Gary on another site some of the Brits were saying there is a second series, wanting confirmation on that one :) Was a bit non plused with nothing getting explained at the end of season 1 and no cliff hanger. But what the heck still rounded out nicely.


Active member
Local time
Today, 17:10
Aug 22, 2004
Perusing the clearance bin at the local HMV over the weekend. Picked up

Patton - best war movie ever with a great musical score
The Right Stuff - long but then so was the book
Flags of our Fathers - love Clint Eastwood in front or behind the camera
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Flailling in the dark
Local time
Today, 22:10
Oct 26, 2005
Gary on another site some of the Brits were saying there is a second series, wanting confirmation on that one :) Was a bit non plused with nothing getting explained at the end of season 1 and no cliff hanger. But what the heck still rounded out nicely.

FYI (from the UK) - There were two series of Life On Mars. The idea is being taken and a version being made for US television but there is a sequel series being made reportedly called Ashes to Ashes and is set in the 80's. This time I believe the time-trapped character will be female.


Last purchase - Battlestar Galactica Series 3

I kinda missed the beginnings of all the series' so I just by them all on DVD when they come out and then have a sweet weekend watching a whole series back to back.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:10
Oct 4, 2005
spool of 500 blanks @ Staples...

they come with movies already on them :confused:


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Today, 14:10
Nov 8, 2005
2 series of Life on Mars..
both fab ...
might be good to hear from our cousins over the water if they have seen this on BBC America - or whatever is called and then compare it to the US version

a brilliant little series not strung out too long ..

next purchase will probably be Red Dwarf.. (all of it )
mad,mad, and mad, the outtakes are even funnier than than the steches -
another one for our cousins is 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps
this is old hat now for us Brits - but qute good entertaiment on a late night ...


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 07:10
Aug 14, 2007
FYI (from the UK) - There were two series of Life On Mars. The idea is being taken and a version being made for US television but there is a sequel series being made reportedly called Ashes to Ashes and is set in the 80's. This time I believe the time-trapped character will be female.


Last purchase - Battlestar Galactica Series 3

I kinda missed the beginnings of all the series' so I just by them all on DVD when they come out and then have a sweet weekend watching a whole series back to back.

Just brought Battllestar Gakactica Seaon 1 over the weekend due to being well impressed with the mini series someone lobbed on Friday while we were waiting on France v Argentina

Since I was in the shop also got my grubby hands on

Stargate Season 6

The Changeling

The Descent

Pulse (U.S remake, have to have some crap viewing)


Ginger Snaps back

Thank god for sales ;)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Oct 31, 2006
the Ginger Snaps series is pretty ok. especially if you are into young girles killing and stuff.

I have all three movies and they arent bad for the mindless viewing when ya dont really wanna think


Back once again...
Local time
Today, 22:10
Dec 10, 2002
The last films I bought were the Three Colours trilogy. I've still not watched them, so in a way they are new.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:10
Feb 28, 2001
Statsman, I tend to agree about "Patton." I had fun with my dad for the last movie we saw together before he died. It was a double-feature.

First show was Patton.

Second show was M*A*S*H

Need I say that the contrasts were dramatic? Dad was - to put it gently - dismayed at the second movie's irreverent portrayal of the Korean War.

But then, Dad always was a bit of a stick-in-the-mud about some things. God rest him.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:10
Oct 31, 2006
The last films I bought were the Three Colours trilogy. I've still not watched them, so in a way they are new.

SJ is that the WHite, Red and Blue? with Julie Delpy and Juliet Binoche in one of them? or in two separate ones? If so then I have seen one or two of those and they were pretty good. I need to get those


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 07:10
Aug 14, 2007
Bit of a splurge during the week.

Zombie's "Devils Rejects" dear god in heaven he's ripped scenes from TCM 2.

NIghtmare on Elm Street 1, 2, 3 <- cheap box set.

Double dipped with the four disc R4 Spiderman release.

Evil Dead Trilogy Tin winging it's way by courier.

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