Presidential Election Results

@AngelSpeaks - be careful in that wish. "One size fits all" usually ends up not fitting most of the targeted people. I always question the idea of forcing conformity because it usually ends up as a case of the tail wagging the dog. And that hardly ever works well.
She probably falls into the conservative Democrat bin, but she hates Trump, in large part because of his prior treatment of women.
You're probably not going to change her mind but you might point out that locker room talk tends to be pretty gross to women who overhear it and it is frequently exaggerated. Also, I don't know if she is a sports fan but you could point out that at least Trump marries his baby mammas unlike some pro ball players who actually keep score and send out Christmas cards with all their children and baby mommas. These famous players are set up as idols for our young boys. Very bad roll models if you ask me. And finally despite what the talking heads say, he has women all through his organizations in important positions. His first wife Ivana I think managed his hotels division. His children are fully functional and seem well adjusted and he dotes on them so he seems to be a good and caring father.

All in all, Type A men are more likely to be philanderers and Trump is no exception. At least he wasn't sneaking his w****s into the White House while Melania was in the Residence as Kennedy did. He also didn't prance around Air Force One naked in front of his daughters as Johnson did or shower with his daughter and touch women and smell their hair as Biden did. You might want to ask her opinion of Kennedy and Johnson and Biden before you remind her of those facts. Johnson and Biden could be classified as perverts but JFK was just horny and far worse than Trump. The difference is that the press hates Trump so they push hard on all negative stories and they never did that for the other Presidents. The stories about JFK only came out later. Except for Marilyn Monroe, who was pretty flamboyant and hard to hide, we didn't hear about the other stuff while JFK was in office.
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@AngelSpeaks - be careful in that wish. "One size fits all" usually ends up not fitting most of the targeted people. I always question the idea of forcing conformity because it usually ends up as a case of the tail wagging the dog. And that hardly ever works well.
I wouldn't disagree with that except that Federal elections affect the entire country so setting some guidelines shouldn't be a problem. We can't have the chaos of 2000 or 2020 again where no one trusts the results. The states can run their state elections using whatever rules they want. That means that if they can't meet the basic Federal standards, they have to run separate elections and can't do them at the same time on the same ballot.
You're probably not going to change her mind but you might point out that locker room talk tends to be pretty gross to women who overhear it and it is frequently exaggerated. Also, I don't know if she is a sports fan but you could point out that at least Trump marries his baby mammas unlike some pro ball players who actually keep score and send out Christmas cards with all their children and baby mommas. These famous players are set up as idols for our young boys. Very bad roll models if you ask me. And finally despite what the talking heads say, he has women all through his organizations in important positions. His first wife Ivana I think managed his hotels division. His children are fully functional and seem well adjusted and he dotes on them so he seems to be a good and caring father.

All in all, Type A men are more likely to be philanderers and Trump is no exception. At least he wasn't sneaking his w****s into the White House while Melania was in the Residence as Kennedy did. He also didn't prance around Air Force One naked in front of his daughters as Johnson did or shower with his daughter and touch women and smell their hair as Biden did. You might want to ask her opinion of Kennedy and Johnson and Biden before you remind her of those facts. Johnson and Biden could be classified as perverts but JFK was just horny and far worse than Trump. The difference is that the press hates Trump so they push hard on all negative stories and they never did that for the other Presidents. The stories about JFK only came out later. Except for Marilyn Monroe, who was pretty flamboyant and hard to hide, we didn't hear about the other stuff while JFK was in office.
I don't disagree, but I'm going to opt for marital harmony; I'll let you ask her if we ever meet. She's not on this or any forum.
@AngelSpeaks - be careful in that wish. "One size fits all" usually ends up not fitting most of the targeted people. I always question the idea of forcing conformity because it usually ends up as a case of the tail wagging the dog. And that hardly ever works well.
That's very true. The best intentions get screwed up when put into place. I doubt if former First Lady Laura Bush approved of what No Child Left Behind ended up.
I don't disagree, but I'm going to opt for marital harmony; I'll let you ask her if we ever meet. She's not on this or any forum
I fully understand. I have a friend who is a lifelong Republican who can't even say "Trump" without spitting. She has also decided to judge Trump based on the exaggerations and twisted logic of the hatful media. I tried to open her eyes but she believed all the negative press and wasn't interested in hearing that she was being lied to. So, we don't discuss politics. She couldn't see the hypocrisy of hating Trump but not hating JFK either. She is a Catholic but I decided to not go the "judge not let thee be judged" route in our discussion. She judged Trump and decided to hate him. Not a particularly Christian position but who am I to judge;)
Part of the issue this year is that we have to thank Mr. Trump for raising the spectre of fraud in 2020. Because of that suspicion, the voting booth observation and evaluation setup was much more rigorous, which meant it would have been harder to introduce fraudulent practices and events. The Dems didn't want anything to cause doubt on this election and so agreed to some more rigorous vote-handling rules. I've already seen more than just a couple of articles on how cleanly the election went. Very few issues were raised. And that is fine with me. A clean election with a clear result CANNOT be bad for the country regardless of who won.

I agree. For all the flack conservatives received about "baseless claims of fraud", yet, those worries inspired a 1000 changes at voting locations, much more security, more poll watchers, more scrutiny, such that this election tallying went far better than the last one with pretty much zero stories of suspicious behavior. It paid off no matter what they say
What makes this graphic interesting, it appears (by county) that the Republicans won BIG! Look at all that red.
The sad part is that blue counties are the ones with high (urban) populations.
The sad part is that blue counties are the ones with high (urban) populations.

Coincidentally, they are also the counties that want to abolish the Electoral College. Who'da thunk it?

(For those non-USA-English-speakers, that last phrase is a USA slang version of "Who would have thought such a thing?")

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