Problems in Access 2007, but not 2003

Sorry I still get the error "Property not found" when I try your way Bob. Can you post the whole code?

As far as "Docmd.OutputTo " I find that I can produce a PDF of the screen but there are a number of steps, such as saving the file name etc which I'd rather avoid!
There's no other code to what Bob gave you. Where are u running the code from? A button that is in a form?

For the Docmd.Output metho, are you referring to allowing users choose that path and saving the document to that path? Here's a link that would help with this:
Sorry I still get the error "Property not found" when I try your way Bob.
Did you use my code EXACTLY as written, or did you modify it in any way at all? It should work EXACTLY as written:

DoCmd.OpenForm Me.Name, acPreview
I actually have the same issue right now, though for me, it was working in Access 2010 until I changed the window layout from popup windows to tabs. With popup windows, Docmd.OpenForm formName, acPreview works just fine. When I changed it to tabs, I got the same error you got, Error 3270 - Property not found.

There are two workarounds for this. If you do a Docmd.Close acForm, formName, acSaveYes right before this command, then it works fine. However for me, I do some form formatting (font color changes) so this doesn't help me out.

The other workaround is to make a dropdown box (below, cboLayout) on your main switchboard with the option to switch between the two window layout styles. Tie the following code to it's AfterUpdate:

Private Sub cboLayout_AfterUpdate()
    Dim tempDB As DAO.Database
    If SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessVer) >= 12 Then
        Set tempDB = CurrentDb
        If Me!cboLayout.Value > 0 Then
            tempDB.Properties("UseMDIMode") = 1  '1 = overlapping windows
            tempDB.Properties("UseMDIMode") = 0  '0 = tabbed documents
        End If
        Call MsgBox("You must restart the database for the changes to take effect. " & Chr(13) & "This will affect all users of the database.", _
            vbOKOnly, "Restart Required")
    End If
    Set tempDB = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = 3270 Then
        Dim prp As DAO.Property
        Set prp = tempDB.CreateProperty("UseMDIMode", dbByte, Nz(Me!cboLayout.Value, 0))
        tempDB.Properties.Append prp
        Set prp = Nothing
        Resume Next
        MsgBox Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description
        Resume Exit_Point
    End If
End Sub

For me it's annoying that users will be reverted over to window popup view mode whenever someone wants to print a form. But it's the only fix, unless anybody else knows an alternative that'll allow formatting of text after Docmd.OpenForm formName, acPreview is called.
Great news, I found a way to get it working with tabular view. Apparently, DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint still works. So instead of opening the form in acPreview mode, just tell it to directly print.

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