Putting a db onto a website (1 Viewer)


Meum cerebrum nocet!
Local time
Today, 16:02
May 2, 2006
I created a stand alone db for my brothers business (it holds employee records, customer records and order details). Up till now it has always only had one user (my brother!). However, he now wants to have multiple users (not always to be logged in at the same time) and so is getting his webmaster to put the db on his website so that his staff (working from home) can access certain parts of the db.

Now the db hasnt got any f/e b/e splits - it is just one file containing all objects (I have only just been reading about f/e, b/e the last couple of days! I am a novice!). What do i need to do to this db in order to get it to work effectively online? I reckon I will have to set user/group permissions (but dont really understand them yet!) but will i also be better splitting the db into f/e and b/e?

I am not sure how users can actually access the db from a website and so I need help/advice on what to do to my db to make this possible.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:02
Jun 2, 2002
I'm a little confused - isn't this supposed to be the webmasters job?

If he/she doesn't know how to access the db via the web then I strongly suggest your brother finds somebody who does.

However, first off you need to tell us what format the db is in and whether your brother's employees will be accessing the db at the same time as the online users.

I wouldn't employ a webmaster who can't give you the answers to all of your concerns.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:02
Nov 4, 2004
Chill dude..
Wow you are so hardcore.
The Webmaster title doesn't always mean you know everything about everything, maybe you are the exception?

Though databses and the web are a natural combination, they are both two different diciplines (look at all the post on the subject and you will see what I mean). And yes it takes a person with a lot of experience to join the two, not everyone has that experience. Not every business has that requirement when they hire a Webmaster, because not every business knows the full scope of what the Web can do. For some just a page on the Web will do, for other's they grow into it. So chill man.

To answer the requesters question...
I am on that quest myself and here is in a nutshell what I know (or think I know)...
To do what you want to do you will be making a big jump. In essence, dumping Access as you know it. I will not be able to cover everything here in order to keep my reply short so I will hit the big points and let it roll from there.

You can...
Use SQL Server as a backend (I know nothing at all about that) and use another FE
Use MySql and another FE.
Use a Windows (IIS) server and use Access as a BE and another FE.
Use a Network having a shared drive (again I don't know all the ins and outs), but this would allow you to use an Access FE/BE unlike the Web option.

The FE is a new skill to learn (php, ASP, Pearl...) it goes on and on, pay your money and take your choice.

So in conclusion, the answer is not that simple.
And yes, new skills will be needed and if your Webmaster is not willing to learn them, then by all means give him the axe. But before you do know of what you speak.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 23:02
Jun 29, 2004

i say this just in case :) : make sure you do search this site. there are tons of good posts about this subject or things related to this.

search for things like: FE, BE, upsizing, ADP, SQL server, online, etc. etc.

good luck.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:02
Jun 2, 2002
DanG said:
Chill dude..
Wow you are so hardcore.
The Webmaster title doesn't always mean you know everything about everything, maybe you are the exception?

errrm no need for the insults 'dude'.

Anyway, here is why you should be 'hardcore'.

What you are wanting to do is place your business's data onto the internet. This means you are potentially placing sensitive/critical data where EVERYONE can get to it. Think about that database you are placing on the internet and decide how confidential it is. What are the effects going to be if a nasty gets in and starts deleting/adding/editing your data? Ask any long-term forum member what happened to this forum a few months back. Vast quantities of data lost permanently.

If it ever happens to you, your brother will not appreciate being told to 'chill out'.

Look up asp.net, forms authentication, encryption, connection strings, sql server injection attacks. Just for starters. Once you've made yourself aware of the nasties out there, make sure the individual in charge of your web programming knows how to deal with these issues. You'll get a better nights sleep ;)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:02
Nov 4, 2004
All valid points that I agree with to be sure.
But I'm still stickin' to my Chill("Dude") opinion as your first post was not very helpful information wise (I feel like Simon Cowell).

Meanster99 -
If you do indeed wish to continue on with your online quest do keep in mind the key issue of security brought up by dan-cat. His points illustrate that knowlege is the key issue here.
If you decide to teach yourself, besides reading, you will need some additional tools. If you go the MySQL/PHP route (which is where I am going at this time) check out "EasyPHP" it allows you to set up a server on your laptop and run both MySQL and PHP to learn these programs. Again, this is just one option and there are many others.

Good luck.


Local time
Today, 16:02
Apr 21, 2006
asp.net 2.0

alternatively check out http://www.asp.net and have a look at the .net framework.
You can download Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express free of charge and it has a built in web server (handy if ur not using 2000/XP prof).
The site also features some great video tutorials showing how to link to external databases.
Asp.net also provides support for Access databases so you should be able to keep your current one.

With regards to security (as long as your web server supports asp.net) you can setup your web application security on the web server itself with various user groups (so you can restrict edit/write access based on user group).

Hope that helps (learning asp.net 2.0 at the moment, very easy if youve done vb/html/java before)


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