QR Codes


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 06:11
Jul 25, 2011
Some years ago I found a addin? for ms access to produce data (255 chr) QR Codes but cannot find it now.
Does anyone know what I mean or can help me to produce qr barcodes.

Thanks for the quick reply.
1. IDautomation does not appear to be free.
2. I had read the second posting and could not find the image control as mentioned. I place an image on the form changed the ControlSource to a text field but no image control?
I must be missing something.
well I don't work with this kind of technology, pekajo, but I'm a people pleaser as a businessman so I just looked it up to help you if you hadn't done that already. I literally got it all from here: https://www.google.com/search?q=ms+access+generate+qr+codes

aside from that, I can't help much else. sorry. but that link i provided to the other thread on this forum is 3 pages long. are you sure you read through it all?
Have a look here...

There is a download.
perhaps have a look at this i made it to print pack labels for stock with no need for a bar code font installed

may be able to change the file settings to a QR code but haven't tried but more than welcome to try

indeed having just checked the site out has details on how to alter it for QR

Barcodes4.me QR Code


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