query results minus query results = new query?


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Local time
Today, 11:11
Feb 12, 2008
I used to queries ,1 to get items that are taken ( its all about sign in sign out for equipment) and other query is list of all items.
How can i make 3rd query which will give me all but taken items from query1?
(of course items from query 1 are in query2)
thx in advance
could you please be more specific
both queries have 4 fields same fields : DESCRIPTION,MAKE,MODEL,SERIAL

QUERY1 contains items that I dont want in final query,and QUERY2 have all items .
So how to do lets say QUERY2-QUERY1
In query design there is an unmatched query wizard that tkes you through the steps to select records that exist in one query/table but not another.

When i do that i got ENTER PARAMETER VALUE window open?
This is probably triviality but not for me
When i do that i got ENTER PARAMETER VALUE window open?
This is probably triviality but not for me

This error usually occurs when you mistype a field name but with the wizard there is no typing :confused:
I think you will need to post your SQL or attach your DB.
The SQl should look like

Select query2.DESCRIPTION,query2.MAKE,etc
From query2 left join query1 on query2.[your join field]=query1.[ditto]
where query1.[joinfield] is null

I find more elegant way to do what i want to do.
Instead of comparing 2 queries i simply add another field in table which have value 0/1 which indicates weather I show item or not

Thank you for your help

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