Query setup for Last 5 Transaction Dates


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Today, 16:00
Sep 17, 2010
Hello, I have a query that has multiple "customers", who can have multiple "Products" and each product has multiple ship dates.

What I want to do in a Report, and I assume this is a setup needed in the underlying query is show All Customers, All Customer/Products, and the last 5 shipping dates of each product to that customer.

My underlying thought is that I want to be sure they're still currently buying products, and also if something has not been ordered for quite a long time, give our sales people the info and date of the last order that was shipped.

I've tried to sort and use the TOP 5, but that limits things to just 5 total transactions, which is too little data for my needs.

Has anyone else ran into this type of need and how did you happen to get it to work? I was hoping the sorting options on the Date in the "Report" would get me where I wanted but there wasn't a good option to select.

Windows7/Office 2013

I'll give the first link a try. That seems to be the closest possibility.

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