Quiz-A-Rama - Who Said Databases are dull


Games Collector
Local time
Today, 21:27
Mar 31, 2017
so here we go

Hi one and all

please see attached my labour of love for these past few months, when work allows and thanks to help from people on here, helping fix issue when stuck in a loop with no questions. it finally works :D:D

Also thanks to @isladogs for help with last few bugs tonight and making me, make it best first time ( well this is the 4th time of trying lol )

all pics are in a gallery so no need for extra external folders of images

the database has built in, but commented out so nice and open to look at, ribbon control so cant click on privacy options and also shift key disable, so when its locked down, its locked

fell free to use ( or not ) as you see fit :cool::cool:

have fun and happy quizzing

and fingers crossed no more bugs


Slight update as question 2 of set 2 the picture wasn't working, was when i tested but some how now wasn't :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

and added code to give up quiz button so that updates the results page correctly

cheers :D


Slight update as was getting error message #type when people had been getting to the results page

also added when the questions had last been updated and what each set of questions is IE set 1 is general knowledge


Here is the latest version, changes added are as follows

Option to add a quiz with out having to involve the quiz master, so they can also take part ( as i have been the one setting the quiz here and they wanted to see how good i was at quizzing )

so added some more forms, sub-forms for the ability to paste in what they want to append to main question table and query's to append to main table, update theme table for quiz main page also to update the Updated table which shows when the quiz was last updated ( that has a lot of updates in it sorry ) and bit of SQL

enjoy, its unlocked but does also have shift button function, and hidden ribbon but both commented out or unlocked, also included is the excel sheet which is used to set out the questions and choices in correct way, for choosing the true ones i just use google and roll die , link here Google Roll Die

good luck and happy, safe quizzing he-he


Quick Update

i have added the function to pause as a life line so if you get interrupted can pause it, but only once mind attached quizzes are for xmas and haloween, both are unlocked to play, but can set so the toolbar is hidden quite easy

have fun all

and if you need to allow shift click, click on designed by and then input the word



Hello All

with it being Easter and been doing my best over the past year at work ( where i currently am ) i have updated the Quiz-A-Rama one last time code wise and also with some new questions for the Easter hols.

The code update, fixes the issue when someone would press the give up button on the questions form on doing this it would take you to the results page ( which is correct ) but the user would have no details displayed i.e Score, Name and Time Taken.

this has now been fixed, so if you would rather just give up you can and still get some marks on the board

so please see the newest version attached

and thanks for looking and also to Jon for increasing the file size limit


I have a question regarding my quiz database app. If i wanted to paly a video file i understand i would need to add active x control, but how would i call it would it be similar to the way pictures are called ?
you can use Shell:

Shell "explorer.exe """ & filePath & """", vbNormalFocus
what is explorer.exe as i was going to add a windows media player active x and

sorry also what do you mean when you say Shell ?
as I'm aware of how to get it to work for one time as i have done for music on this other project of mine Access Point And Click Adventure but in this instance i want it to call the video in the same fashion as does for the pictures so based on the quiz round and question number
i want it to call the video in the same fashion as does for the pictures so based on the quiz round and question number
I have no idea what that means and what you are asking exactly.

You can add a "Windows Media Player" ActiveX-Control to a form and control the player's behavior with VBA.

There are promising results for a simple online search on the matter:
Maybe browse through these results first. If there is something you want to do and can't find a workable solution, post a more specific question here on AWF.
Hi so

another branch of question, i have tried to capture this but to no avail ( example attached ) issue i have is hwne user uses's the joker they get score double for all rather then one correct

could you please have a look and point what have done wrong. Have tried making button not enabled and hidden but nope no joy


SORRY for the DP but i think i fixed it. I added

    Me.cmdJoker.Enabled = True
    Me.cmdJoker.Visible = False

as can see here



Merry Christmas one and all, here is my bang up to date quiz now with added Video and Joker

for the bypass key click on the "Built and Designed By" and type in unlock if it is locked

you'll have to supply your own videos though as cant upload them


New year and a refresh as the old style was looking a bit old and was getting a bit more unliked and also changed some functions ( it still crashes though randomly so if anyone has ideas why and the how's to fix please post )

  1. So got rid of the drop down to pick round now all on command buttons where the caption updates from theme table
  2. added/updated the printing of answers for quiz master when quiz is finished, now don't have to change the file name once it saves ( which was a pain )

As always feel free to use to unlock as shift might be disabled, click on designed by bit and type in UNLOCK

Happy Quizzing All


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