Read MS Access Table Contents Into Variables (1 Viewer)

Unfortunately, I'm not aware on how to do this.
I have Google on this laptop. :(

Edit: Sorry, it is actually Transpose, and you can search for it in Excel Help.

Then there is Youtube

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The data in the table comes from an existing EXCEL spreadsheet. I've import the data into a table, but the data is vertical. not horizontal, I'm not aware that DLookup or any function can accomplish this. I need the data to be horizontal.
So you want each record from the EXCEL spreadsheet to become a separate field in a table, which is what "Horizontal" is implying here.

Is that correct? Because if it is what you meant, ACCESS has certain limits that might prevent that, even if you could do it.
I don't know how
Well your post is in the vba/module forum so we don’t know if you are talking about an access table or an excel table

Assuming the former here are some links to create a crosstab query

The EXCEL 'Transpose' feature solved my problem. Thanks to all who tried to help ! ! !

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