Recognize weekend


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 20:34
Sep 17, 2013
Hello all,

In my query I made an extra column as follows:
Leadtime: [Received dt] - [Vrijgave dt]
Both are dates.
In the section criteria, I only want the records which are equal to 1 (difference in days must be 1 day).

The problem is that I need to count with workdays. In current situation, when the Received dt = friday and the Vrijgave dt = monday it shows an 3, but i want to let it show a 1 because the difference in workdays is only 1.

Can someone help me?

Can you tell me how to skip the weekends relatively easy?
The holidays is nice, but not so important for me.
I hope it can be changed in just the query criteria because Iam not familiar with VBA.

Thanks in advance
Assuming your start and end dates are always workdays:

How it works:
[Endate]-[StartDate] >> Calculate the difference in calander days
a) Int(([Enddate]-[StartDate])/7) >> For every full week count 1
b) IIf(Weekday([EndDate],2)<Weekday([StartDate],2),1,0) >> If the start date is later in the week than the enddate ... count 1
add (a + b ) * 2 (weekend days) and presto you should get this list:
Startdate    	EndDate   	Workdays
10/4/2013   	10/07/2013	1
10/4/2013  	10/08/2013	2
10/4/2013  	10/09/2013	3
10/4/2013  	10/10/2013	4
10/4/2013  	10/11/2013	5
10/4/2013  	10/14/2013	6
10/4/2013  	10/15/2013	7
10/4/2013  	10/16/2013	8
10/4/2013  	10/17/2013	9
10/4/2013  	10/18/2013	10
10/4/2013  	10/21/2013	11
10/4/2013  	10/22/2013	12
Thank you Namliam!!
I changed the , in ; and could paste it directly :):)

Many thanks!

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