Recordset Bookmark return no current record


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Yesterday, 20:18
Feb 21, 2017

I am trying to bookmark the position on a recordset to later return to the same position and the bookmark codes is returning no record.
I have not used this before but any help will be greatly appreciated. The problem is when stepping to RSBookmark = rs4.Bookmark
the rsbookmark has been set as variant

Do While rs3.EOF = False
                    CrRecord = rs3!benefitsid & rs3!companyid & rs3!entityid & rs3!plandatailid & rs3!PlanCarrier & rs3!PlanType
                    If PrvRecord = CrRecord Then
                        If PrvMonth <> CrMonth Then
                            PrvMonth = Month(rs3!Invoicedate)
                            rs4.Bookmark = RSBookmark
                            TxtMonth = MonthName(Month(rs3!Invoicedate))
                            SumInvoiceAmt = DSum("invoiceamount", "tbcolumnreporttemp", StrCriteria)
                            rs4.Fields(TxtMonth) = SumInvoiceAmt
                        End If
                        TxtMonth = MonthName(Month(rs3!Invoicedate))
                        rs4!benefitsid = rs3!benefitsid
                        rs4!PlanCarrier = rs3!PlanCarrier
                        rs4!entityid = rs3!entityid
                        rs4!companyid = rs3!companyid
                        rs4!PlanType = rs3!PlanType
                        rs4!plandatailid = rs3!plandatailid
                        SumInvoiceAmt = DSum("invoiceamount", "tbcolumnreporttemp", StrCriteria)
                        rs4.Fields(TxtMonth) = SumInvoiceAmt
                        PrvRecord = rs3!benefitsid & rs3!companyid & rs3!entityid & rs3!plandatailid & rs3!PlanCarrier & rs3!PlanType
                        PrvMonth = Month(rs3!Invoicedate)
                        RSBookmark = rs4.Bookmark
                    End If
                    CrRecord = rs3!benefitsid & rs3!companyid & rs3!entityid & rs3!plandatailid & rs3!PlanCarrier & rs3!PlanType
                    CrMonth = Month(rs3!Invoicedate)
                    Debug.Print rs3!Invoicedate
Hi. I don't see in your code how you declared and set RSBookmark.
Hi. I don't see in your code how you declared and set RSBookmark.

I declared the RSbookmark mark as variant. I did not copy this part of the code but I state it on the information.

the bookmark was set on the else statement
I declared the RSbookmark mark as variant. I did not copy this part of the code but I state it on the information.

the bookmark was set on the else statement
Sorry, I took the description in your post as an unexpected outcome when you were debugging. Now, before the Else block, you have the following code:

rs4.Bookmark = RSBookmark

So, what would it have been set too on the first run if the code doesn't reach the Else statement?
Sorry, I took the description in your post as an unexpected outcome when you were debugging. Now, before the Else block, you have the following code:

rs4.Bookmark = RSBookmark

So, what would it have been set too on the first run if the code doesn't reach the Else statement?
I tried placing the bookmark at the beginning and I got the same result: No current record
I tried placing the bookmark at the beginning and I got the same result: No current record
Right. The bookmark needs to have a current record to accept a value. Without seeing the entire code, or even not being able to step through it, I'm not sure how we will be able to help you. Are you able to post a demo version of your db instead? Also, can you please describe what the code is supposed to be doing? What does each recordset represent?
I am just trying to filter record and copy value base on a criteria. Once the first value is copy I want o bookmark the record on the destination table so I can copy the second value to the same record
I am just trying to filter record and copy value base on a criteria. Once the first value is copy I want o bookmark the record on the destination table so I can copy the second value to the same record
Hmm, so why not copy all the values at first pass instead of going back and forth?

PS. Besides, why are you copying records (if that's what you're doing)? Is this for an audit trail?
I can't see any purpose for moving rs4 to the bookmark position. Next line uses rs3 and then a new record is added to rs4.

Also cannot see any point in db.TableDefs.Refresh, especially in a loop.

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