Report Detail Line Height Problem?


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Yesterday, 21:10
Feb 13, 2014
In an Access report, the detail section has 5 fields "Bilname, Text315, Text323, Text324, Text325" set to auto grow. If any of the field data is too long, it will cause the height of the detail section to change. In the detail section, there is a vertical line "Line1". How can I automatically adjust the height of "Line1" after the detail section height changes?
I can't load the marco in this file
There is no Macro in the file.
If you have problem in opening the file, select the field and it's label, right click and select Layout -> and then Tabular.
Then right click the field and select Insert -> Right to add an empty cell.
Drag the line and drop it into the new empty cell.
Drag the cell and set its width in the property sheet to 0.
Save and close the report.
Test it.
Last edited:
you can also use an Unbound textbox and set its:

Grid Style Left = Solid
Gridline Width Left = Hairline


Set it's Height/Width to a control's height/width?
There is no Macro in the file.
If you have problem in opening the file, select the field and it's label, right click and select Layout -> and then Tabular.
Then right click the field and select Insert -> Right to add an empty cell.
Drag the line and drop it into the new empty cell.
Drag the cell and set its width in the property sheet to 0.
Save and close the report.
Test it.
Got it, I see the effect. Thanks.

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