report from picture


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:43
Feb 12, 2008
I have scanned document which i wanna to use as my report template,Of course will take data from my

And also is it possible to make report from excell spreadsheet?(import how it looks in excell,not actual data)
1. You have to create an actual report. I don't believe you can do it from a scanned document (although someone may come up with somthing).

2. Sounds like a datasheet report. Its one of the options when you use the wizard to create a report.
I was thinking as putting scaned picture as background of report,but when i do that picture is always bigger then my report,i played with margins and what not but cant make it same.
Thing is that i have to create report that will look exactly the same as excell spredasheet which people use now as final report
"exactly the same" Now that is the biggest pile of horse manure I have heard in a while.

Just make it look 95% simular and be done with it, if it saves time gives the same info but has a different lettertype or margins or some fields are slightly out of place... Be happy with it.

If totaly need be offcourse you can make like a textfile export or even excel report which can then be picked up by the excisting report, but again Horse Manure.

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