Report printing problem using a Query.


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Today, 04:03
Dec 26, 2009
Could I please, receive assistance in printing a report using 5 different combo box choices in our Access 2003 Database?

Your suggestions will be appreciated.

Thank you, Nicole


Cannot do anything - there are no explicit relationships between tables, the queries are of single tables, the report, opened via the form from which you make selections does not pass any values to the report.
Suggest you investigate the use of openargs to pass multiple values to the report as selected from the combos, and then use these values in the on load event of the report.
I cannot be sure of what values in the combos relate to the desired data in the table/query/report.
i change the form to be Unbound, because if it is bound, everytime you change anything to the combos, it will be saved immediately to the table.
see also the Open event of the Report.


99%. Thank you arnelgp for getting our Combo Box Form to work.

Would you please show us how to send the chosen data to the Report so that we can print this data using our report form?

I notice that you are waiting for Jelly Beans, may we send you some?

We do appreciate your assistances. Crystal
you should try to select something from the combos and press the "print" button (ANALYTICS_R) on the form.
you should try to select something from the combos and press the "print" button (ANALYTICS_R) on the form.
Thank you Arnelgp for the Combo Box Form adjustments that you made. I made an error in their groupings
= = =
Group Printing = A
Could you please assist us by letting the user choose;
Investigate => All or the records marked with Yes
Currency => All or the records marked with a currency such as CAD$
Portfolio => All or the records marked with a code such as BNS
The Combo box is not co-operating as no records are shown, and we would like to be able to Choose All or only BNS for an example.
The above Grouping Choices could then be printed.
= = =
Group Printing = B
Sorry, but I made an error in the groupings.
Investigate => All or the records marked with Yes
Sector => All or the records marked with Agriculture
Sub => All or the records marked with Medical Devices
= = =
I am sorry to be making so many requests.
The charity that we volunteer at wants me to thank you for their Exchange Rate Converter which they use when donations are made to their Endowment Fund.


Hello Arnelgp, thank you for your help, your database is 99% Complete.
Could you please adjust the Portfolio combo box, as I cannot get it to co-operate.

Thank you. // Crystal
here try the new "form"
2023_Dec_09; Arnelgp your assistance in fixing our database was CORRECT. "Our" problem was that there was no data in "TFR_Type" field.
Therefore your assistance is 110%. Thank you, Nicole

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