Report repeats 35 times


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Tomorrow, 02:25
Aug 7, 2014
I have designed a simple database to manage the publication of a weekly list of events. One report I have designed has two (2) sub-reports and prints in 2 columns on one A3 page - This week's events and featured future events. I have used a parameter form to set the date ranges for both sub-reports. When I run the report, it shows up 35 times.
I have another very similar report using exactly the same queries and parameter form but printing on A4 paper. It is made up of a base report and a sub-report and it prints once and usually stretches to 2 pages. I could not get the A3 report to print on one page when I tried the base report and one sub-report so went to 2 sub-reports to get it to work. It works fine but shows up 35 pages. I am just printing page 1 and everything is good but it is very annoying. Any ideas on where I should start looking for the problem.
have you tried copying the report and renaming it like yourReportA3 and set its page size to A3.
...Any ideas on where I should start looking for the problem.
Look at the recordsource for the main report, does it have 35 records?
Thanks Arnelgp. I used the original report when I created the second one.
Thanks JHB.
You have hit the nail on the head. I get the same number of pages as there are records in the first query result.
Can you offer a solution? Is there a way of not getting the same number of pages as records in the query?
Can you offer a solution? Is there a way of not getting the same number of pages as records in the query?
I think your query is wrong build, look at the recordsource you've for the other report which runs okay!
Else post a stripped version of database with some sample data (zip it) + the name of the report in which you've the problem.
Thanks JHB
The two queries are exactly the same for the two reports and use the same parameters from the same parameter form. The main difference is the use of 2 subreports in the body of the report so that the information is printed on one A3 page (for print display) in 2 columns rather than on 2 A4 pages in one column (for emailing) with the subreport being in the report footer. The report footer option would not work for the A3 page.
I have uploaded a stripped database.
The report concerning me is: rptNewWeeklyProgramToPrint.
The report that works is: rptWeeklyProgramToEmail
This is a second year's iteration of the original database where we are trying to add a "Featured Events" section for events that are 'checked' when entering the event.
Thanks for your help.


There is no data in the database, because the tables are linked to a backend database.
Normally main- and sub-report are linked together using the "Link Master Fields" and the "Link Child Fields", which do don't have.
I can't test it because of missing data, but have you tried to run the report without any recordsource, (unbound report)? Then the data should only show one time?
Sorry about that. I forgot that it was split. I'll work on merging it and reposting. I'll have a look for the Master Child relationships in the meantime.
Thanks for your advice

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