Request for Help!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:22
Aug 1, 2007
Hello. I want to work with the value that a cell address located in a cell corresponds to; and I want to use it in a calculation (=sum(x+y)). Is there a way to convert the cell (say D3) to its value (say 50) and add it to get an aggregate number?

Any help is appreciated.

Not understanding question. Why can't you just reference cell D3?
I must concatenate the cell location from other data. Once I have the correct cell location, I want to use it in a sum function, but my function adds to the cell location instead of the contents. For example, D1, plus 20 becomes D21. Instead, I want 50, plus 20 to equate to 70.
What "sum function" - is this VBA code? Provide your code. If you want to provide workbook for analysis, follow instructions at bottom of my post.
Here are a couple of examples if concatenating in VBA

1st gets the sum of D2 through D and a variable defined as cellrow. Using your post of cell being D3, cellrow =3 then it would equate out to Sum D2 through D3
The rest are putting a formula into a specific cell on the spreadsheet

stsum = "=Sum(D2:D" & cellrow & ")"

.Range("D" & cellrow + 2).Formula = "=Sum(D2:D" & cellrow & ")"
.Range("D" & cellrow + 4).Formula = "=D" & cellrow + 2 & "-D" & cellrow + 3 & ""

Otherwise maybe if you are looking at putting a formula in a cell and not using vba, perhaps the Indirect Function would help?

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