Resize Form to Original Size


New member
Local time
Today, 10:44
Jun 20, 2020
I have an Access form which is 8" wide and 6" tall. I minimize it. So far, so good. Unfortunately, when I later maximize it, the form fills the entire screen (which I don't want.) How can I get it to resize to its original 8" x 6" size?
dont use Maximize. remove any maximize commands.
just open the form :
docmd.OpenForm "fMyform",acNormal ,,,,acWindowNormal

and it should open in its normal size. (as long as youre not using TABBED forms)
Try changing the autoresize and autocenter properties
If doing this in code look at the docmd.restore.
It has been assumed this is all being done in code but could it be this form is manually minimized and then clicking on the wrong icon to restore the form to original size? Should be clicking on the restore icon as shown in this image.

Last edited:
Thanks everyone for your help. My app can sometimes require a user to deal with multiple forms at the same time (this is especially true during lunch time where there may be only one user in the office.) Unfortunately, his/her task bar ends up looking like the attached screenshot. Since he/she may forget which closed form is which, I'm thinking about building a "Minimized Form Manager". Using cmd.restore sounds promising.

That's why the taskbar settings option below is worth using:

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