Retrieve excel from access (vol 4) , extended format , alternative color


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Today, 14:48
Mar 24, 2014
This is a VBA script from which i export data from access database to an excel.
The excel looks like this and may contain 2000 or more lines.

I have removed several lines from the code, those lines that format and calculate, just to make it shorter.

My "goal" now is to apply an alternative background color every time data in column "A" change.

Private Sub Fr_Click()
On Error GoTo SubError
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.RunSQL strUP1
    DoCmd.RunSQL strUP2
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
    Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
    Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim SQL As String
    Dim rsFR As DAO.Recordset
    Dim i As Integer
    'Show user work is being performed
    DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
    '              RETRIEVE DATA
    'SQL statement to retrieve data from database

SQL = " SELECT AAV.Acti, FREIGHT.BL, .... " ' SQL statement

'Execute query and populate recordset
    Set rsFR = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

   'If no data, don't bother opening Excel, just quit
    If rsFR.RecordCount = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No data selected for export", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "No data exported"
        GoTo SubExit
    End If

    '             BUILD SPREADSHEET
    'Create an instance of Excel and start building a spreadsheet
    'Early Binding
    Set xlApp = Excel.Application
    xlApp.Visible = False
    Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
    Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
    ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False

    With xlSheet
            .Name = "Freight List " & IRISvoy
            .Cells.Font.Name = "Calibri"
            .Cells.Font.Size = 10

       'Set column widths
        .Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 14
        .Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 14
        .Rows("9:9").RowHeight = 50
        .Range("A9:Q9").Interior.Color = RGB(207, 207, 207)
        .Range("D9", "I9").Orientation = 90
        .Range("K10:K2500").NumberFormat = "@"
  ' Extended lines cuted
   .Range("C8").Formula = "=SUM(I10:I" & i - 1 & ")"

' format the table , lines cuted
       .Range("D2:D6").Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
       .Range("C2:C6").Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
        .Range("C2", "D2").Merge

        'Format columns  , lines cuted
        .Range("A2").Value = "VESSEL  "
        .Range("B2").Value = vesselName
        .Range("B4").NumberFormat = "[$-en-US]d-mmm-yyyy;@"
        .Range("E2", "L2").NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
        .Range("E3", "L3").NumberFormat = "[$€‚¬-x-euro2] #,##0.00"
        .Range("E4", "L4").NumberFormat = "[$£-en-GB]#,##0.00"
        .Range("E5", "L5").NumberFormat = "[$¥-zh-CN]#,##0.00"

        'provide initial value to row counter
        i = 10

'        'Loop through recordset and copy data from recordset to sheet
        Do While Not rsFR.EOF

        .Range("A" & i).Value = Nz(rsFR!bl, "")
        .Range("B" & i).Value = Nz(rsFR!bk, "")
        .Range("C" & i).Value = Nz(rsFR!BLline, "")
' extended lines removed
            i = i + 1
         .Range("B5").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(A10" & ":A" & i - 1 & " ,A10" & ":A" & i - 1 & " ))"
         .Range("B6").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(C10" & ":C" & i - 1 & " ,C10" & ":C" & i - 1 & " ))"
         .Range("L10" & ":O" & i).Cells.Font.Size = 7
   .Range("E2").Formula = "=SUMIFS(I10" & ":I" & i - 1 & " ,D10" & ":D" & i - 1 & " ," & """OFT""" & ",F10" & ":F" & i - 1 & " ," & """USD""" & ", J10" & ":J" & i - 1 & " ," & """P"")"
   .Range("E3").Formula = "=SUMIFS(I10" & ":I" & i - 1 & " ,D10" & ":D" & i - 1 & " ," & """OFT""" & ",F10" & ":F" & i - 1 & " ," & """EUR""" & ", J10" & ":J" & i - 1 & " ," & """P"")"
   .Range("E4").Formula = "=SUMIFS(I10" & ":I" & i - 1 & " ,D10" & ":D" & i - 1 & " ," & """OFT""" & ",F10" & ":F" & i - 1 & " ," & """GBP""" & ", J10" & ":J" & i - 1 & " ," & """P"")"
       .Range("A" & i - 1 & ":O" & i - 1).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble
       .Range("A10" & ":O" & i - 1).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
       .Range("A10" & ":O" & i - 1).Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
       .Range("A10" & ":O" & i - 1).Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
        .Range("B9" & ":B" & i - 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

        With .Range("J10:J" & i).FormatConditions.Add(xlCellValue, xlEqual, "<>""F""")

         .Interior.Color = RGB(150, 150, 50)

        End With
End With

On Error Resume Next
    DoCmd.Hourglass False
    xlApp.Visible = True
    Set rsFR = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & "= " & Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _
        "An error occurred"
    GoTo SubExit
End Sub

If you could help me by adding extra vba code pieces, it would be just great.
not sure how you would do that in excel but here is a way to do it in access - you can probably apply a similar method if you export the rownumber value as well

See the simple example
which Column is "BL"?
Dim arr As Variant, sValue As String
Dim i As Long, style As String
style = "Normal"
With xlSheet
    arr = .Range("a10:a" & .Range("a10").End(-4121).Row)
    For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
        If sValue <> arr(i, 1) Then
            If Len(sValue) <> 0 Then
                style = IIf(style = "Normal", "Note", "Normal")
            End If
            sValue = arr(i, 1)
        End If
        .Rows(10 + i - 1).style = style
End With
Last edited:
adding extra vba code pieces
The procedure is already way too long and way too confusing, especially since the code formatting seems quite random and is not really helpful.

Instead of creating a new workbook from scratch, you could make a copy of a template with all the formatting and formulas you need and copy the data from the database into it, preferably using a bulk action (CopyFromRecordset).

The color changes could be initiated by conditional formatting directly in the Excel sheet.
SQL = " SELECT AAV.Acti, FREIGHT.BL, .... " ' SQL statement
You could create an additional column in the query with the sequence number on Acti.
You can react to this with conditional formatting:
SeqNumber mod 2
i inserted my new code to your original code:
Private Sub Fr_Click()
On Error GoTo SubError
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    DoCmd.RunSQL strUP1
    DoCmd.RunSQL strUP2
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
    Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
    Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim SQL As String
    Dim rsFR As DAO.Recordset
    Dim i As Long
    'Show user work is being performed
    DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
    '              RETRIEVE DATA
    'SQL statement to retrieve data from database

SQL = " SELECT AAV.Acti, FREIGHT.BL, .... " ' SQL statement

'Execute query and populate recordset
    Set rsFR = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

   'If no data, don't bother opening Excel, just quit
    If rsFR.RecordCount = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No data selected for export", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "No data exported"
        GoTo SubExit
    End If

    '             BUILD SPREADSHEET
    'Create an instance of Excel and start building a spreadsheet
    'Early Binding
    Set xlApp = Excel.Application
    xlApp.Visible = False
    Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
    Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1)
    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
    ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False

    With xlSheet
            .Name = "Freight List " & IRISvoy
            .Cells.Font.Name = "Calibri"
            .Cells.Font.Size = 10

       'Set column widths
        .Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 14
        .Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 14
        .Rows("9:9").RowHeight = 50
        .Range("A9:Q9").Interior.Color = RGB(207, 207, 207)
        .Range("D9", "I9").Orientation = 90
        .Range("K10:K2500").NumberFormat = "@"
  ' Extended lines cuted
   .Range("C8").Formula = "=SUM(I10:I" & i - 1 & ")"

' format the table , lines cuted
       .Range("D2:D6").Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
       .Range("C2:C6").Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
        .Range("C2", "D2").Merge

        'Format columns  , lines cuted
        .Range("A2").Value = "VESSEL  "
        .Range("B2").Value = vesselName
        .Range("B4").NumberFormat = "[$-en-US]d-mmm-yyyy;@"
        .Range("E2", "L2").NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
        .Range("E3", "L3").NumberFormat = "[$€‚¬-x-euro2] #,##0.00"
        .Range("E4", "L4").NumberFormat = "[$£-en-GB]#,##0.00"
        .Range("E5", "L5").NumberFormat = "[$¥-zh-CN]#,##0.00"

        'provide initial value to row counter
        i = 10

'        'Loop through recordset and copy data from recordset to sheet
        Do While Not rsFR.EOF

        .Range("A" & i).Value = Nz(rsFR!bl, "")
        .Range("B" & i).Value = Nz(rsFR!bk, "")
        .Range("C" & i).Value = Nz(rsFR!BLline, "")
' extended lines removed
            i = i + 1
         .Range("B5").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(A10" & ":A" & i - 1 & " ,A10" & ":A" & i - 1 & " ))"
         .Range("B6").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(C10" & ":C" & i - 1 & " ,C10" & ":C" & i - 1 & " ))"
         .Range("L10" & ":O" & i).Cells.Font.Size = 7
   .Range("E2").Formula = "=SUMIFS(I10" & ":I" & i - 1 & " ,D10" & ":D" & i - 1 & " ," & """OFT""" & ",F10" & ":F" & i - 1 & " ," & """USD""" & ", J10" & ":J" & i - 1 & " ," & """P"")"
   .Range("E3").Formula = "=SUMIFS(I10" & ":I" & i - 1 & " ,D10" & ":D" & i - 1 & " ," & """OFT""" & ",F10" & ":F" & i - 1 & " ," & """EUR""" & ", J10" & ":J" & i - 1 & " ," & """P"")"
   .Range("E4").Formula = "=SUMIFS(I10" & ":I" & i - 1 & " ,D10" & ":D" & i - 1 & " ," & """OFT""" & ",F10" & ":F" & i - 1 & " ," & """GBP""" & ", J10" & ":J" & i - 1 & " ," & """P"")"
       .Range("A" & i - 1 & ":O" & i - 1).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlDouble
       .Range("A10" & ":O" & i - 1).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
       .Range("A10" & ":O" & i - 1).Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
       .Range("A10" & ":O" & i - 1).Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous
        .Range("B9" & ":B" & i - 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

        With .Range("J10:J" & i).FormatConditions.Add(xlCellValue, xlEqual, "<>""F""")

         .Interior.Color = RGB(150, 150, 50)

        End With
    ' arnelgp
    ' feb-22-2023
    ' Alternate coloring based on Value of column A
    Dim arr As Variant, sValue As String
    Dim style As String
    style = "Normal"
    arr = .Range("A10:A" & .Range("A10").End(-4121).Row)
    For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
        If sValue <> arr(i, 1) Then
            If Len(sValue) <> 0 Then
                style = IIf(style = "Normal", "Note", "Normal")
            End If
            sValue = arr(i, 1)
        End If
        .Rows(10 + i - 1).style = style
End With

On Error Resume Next
    DoCmd.Hourglass False
    xlApp.Visible = True
    Set rsFR = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & "= " & Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _
        "An error occurred"
    GoTo SubExit
End Sub

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