RGB color code / MS Access color code equivalent


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Yesterday, 16:49
Oct 2, 2018

I have a set of colors and their RGB values that I am trying to get the color code equivalent for in MS Access code. The following colors and their RGB values are listed below:

Dark Blue: 79, 129, 189
Light Blue: 220, 230, 241

I am trying to get the color code equivalent in MS Access. How would I do this?

Thank you.
You can use...

RGB (79, 129, 189) and RGB (220, 230, 241) in code...

...or just go to the control. Select More under colors and set the RGB code in and it will give you the numeric value.
I don't have the MS Access app unfortunately. Would you mind sending me the 8 code equivalent for those two colors if you have a chance? Thank you.
Hmm, okay well not sure what you mean by 8 code equivalent, unless... are in you Access 2003? That said, which 8 code equivalent, there are several and they are not all 8 code.

For Access 2010 and above.
Dark Blue : #4F81BD of which the octal value is 23700675 but the numeric value 5210557
Light Blue: #DCE6F1 of which the octal value is 7226504 but numeric value is 1912132
RGB to MS Access.PNG

Thanks for your reply. I have attached a screenshot of the two colors I need the MS Access values for vs. the octal codes you have provided. The colors do not appear to match. I am using the VBA editor in excel and it is asking me for the MS Access value instead of the RGB value to get the appropriate colors.
Hi Stan
See attached for my colour converter utility which gives you the Access OLE Colour, RGB & HEX values.
Enter the RGB values manually or use the slider(s) to get the desired colour

As the utility is an access app which you say isn't available to you, the screenshots shows the values you wanted

Dark blue

Light blue (?) - looks grey to me!

NOTE: The latest version of my app s available at:


  • ColourConverter.zip
    55.6 KB · Views: 550
  • ColourConverter1.PNG
    13.7 KB · Views: 4,441
  • ColourConverter2.PNG
    13.9 KB · Views: 4,125
Last edited:
If you want the colour code value, try highlighting the coloured cell and then in your Immediate Window type the following:

? Selection.Interior.Color
Thanks Colin, I completely forgot about OLE colors been a long time. And cool tool!
Hi Stan
See attached for my colour converter utility which gives you the Access OLE Colour, RGB & HEX values.
Enter the RGB values manually or use the slider(s) to get the desired colour

As the utility is an access app which you say isn't available to you, the screenshots shows the values you wanted

Dark blue

Light blue (?) - looks grey to me!

NOTE: The latest version of my app s available at:
Thank you very much isladogs
I was looking for it for the purpose of coloring the datasheet.
I am using the VBA editor in excel

Excel DOES have an RGB function BUT... for Excel's RGB function, the red and blue colors are reversed in order. Green is still in the middle. (That tripped me up the first time I ran into that.)

RGB (79, 129, 189) and RGB (220, 230, 241)

Use Excel's RGB as RGB( 189, 129, 79 ) or RGB( 241, 230, 220 )

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