Ronald Reagan Nails it Again!

It was sad that Ronnie had mental issues during his last term, but I consider him to have been a good president.
Even with his issues, he's a million times better than that senile clutz in the WH.
The emoticons in the LIKE options aren't strong enough for that little episode. And the kids is BORN to be an actor 'cause those lines didn't come spontaneously.
We, don't know how lucky we are mostly because the Marxists had a plan to take over the country starting with the colleges and moving down. They have won that battle. Fighting for our lives, it will take two generations to overcome the damage. They have also taken over the press so there is no one to even challenge their policies. Meanwhile, we sell our enemies our critical infrastructure. Our farm land, Our factories. Critical drugs are no longer manufactured in country. We have to rely on the good will of China or they will let us die. We welcome our enemies into our universities so they can infiltrate top secret projects just so we can take their money. We let them edit our movies so our enemies will not be offended. We let them control our speech. If German measles and the Hong Hong Flu, and Lyme Disease are not racist, how can the Wohan virus be racist? It has always been common to name new viral diseases after the area where they were first discovered or sometimes after the scientist who first isolated them. We let anyone who can get to the southern border cross with impunity. No vaccines for them or COVID testing. Apparently, they can't carry COVID. We just give them phones so they can call us and report where they are, ask them where they want to go and put them on planes - no photo id necessary because they are "good" people whereas American citizens cannot even reenter their OWN country without proof of a COVID vaccination and a recent clean test. And just you try to get on a plane without a photo id and see how you make out.

I got a sense of how stupid US policies are 40 years ago when I lived in Kuwait for a year. My employer was a Danish company. In order to do business in Kuwait, they needed a sponsor. A Kuwaiti who would take 51% of their profit with no investment in the company necessary and no work required except some paperwork to act as our partner. On further inquiries, not only could non-citizens only own minor shares in companies operating within the country, they could not purchase any property at all. Kuwait's immigration policy was such that they would not even accept refugees from the wars going on in Lebanon and between Iraq and Iran. You had to get residence permit and live in country for 25 years before you could apply AND any children born during that time, were not considered to be citizens. In fact, the only way to be a citizen was to have a Kuwaiti father. The children of a Kuwaiti woman married to a foreign national were not citizens because the father was not a citizen. That's how much they thought of women. It's also probably why they have to be hidden away and prevented from leaving their homes without a male relative or leaving the country without the permission of their husband or father.
Found it!

what movie is that from? i thought i'd watched all the will ferrell movies.

honestly my favorite one is a shocker, it's a semi-serious one , Everything Must Go. Some are really stupid but I watch them all because 1 out of 5 is gold.
I've always thought the government should help people. But I was uncomfortable with it. Reagan's insight justifies my uneasiness with it, and shows the way to do it sensibly....

The government should provide minimal help to people. Very little, just enough to ease those who are absolutely unable to help themselves (exclude those who have chosen not to help themselves) and who aren't already being helped by the 99% of the help structure, which is - and has always been - churches, charities, and the Christian community at large.

We have to be practical. If you take too much of the working people's money by force (that's usually called Robbery, isn't it?) and give it to the non-working people, that's obviously going to cause problems. Nobody's going to continue voting in agreement with that structure, unless you can successfully manipulate the situation into one where the non-working people-voters outnumber the working people-voters, (or they come close to outnumbering them + throw in a few always crazy liberals who will agree to anything as long as it's labelled infrastructure).

Enter what we now know as the Democrat Party. And for the love of God, will everyone in the media please stop using the word "Democratic" as an adjective for "Party" or "person belonging to the party", or waffling back and forth as the correct word is Democrat. They are most definitely not a Democratic party.

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