Rounding Totals


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Today, 11:45
Sep 10, 2004
I have a text box on my form that calculates the total of all purchases. I saw a rounding function in Access, but I need something that I can customize. For example, if the total order is $90, it would round it to $100, if the order is $19, 693 it would round it to $20K. Basically, it would round depending on the total. Is there a function like that in Access or do I need to create the code myself?

Thank you.
There is no way that Access can tell how you want to round it.
Is 74.9 rounded as 75, 80 or 100?

You need to code it down...
Thanks for the help. Under which event for the text box do I need to code it?
This code will be a new field in the query that is used as the source for your form. Give it a good name and put that name as the source of your textbox.

If you use a table directly instead of passing by a query, then this code should be the new source of your textbox. Just replace the word "Field" by the name that was already in the source.

I strongly suggest that you use the query version though.

Good luck!
Thanks, Newman.

However, there should a more efficient way to do this rather than use a whole bunch of IIF statements. I would have to have an IIF statement for each possible range of the total. For example, I get a total that is $90 and want to round it to the nearest 100. I need an IIF statement for that, then if the total will come to $110, I need to make it to $200. Basically, I would have to write an IIF statement for each case, as far as I understand. And I have to go pretty far, like to $100 k or so. Is there a way to for Access to determine how many digits is the total. Like maybe turning a number to a string, and then return the number of digits. Based on that number I would round to the closest hundred or thousand, depending on the number returned.
I would use a custom function using a "select case" to do this as it will be much easier to maintain

something like

Function RoundItUp(dblValueIn As Double) As Long

Select Case dblValueIn
Case Is <= 100
RoundItUp = 100
Case Is <= 200
RoundItUp = 200
Case Is <= 500
RoundItUp = 500
Case Is <= 1000
RoundItUp = 1000
Case Is <= 10000
RoundItUp = 10000
Case Is <= 100000
RoundItUp = 100000
Case Else
RoundItUp = 100000000
End Select
End Function


Thank you for your reply, Peter.

I am really new to this stuff, but I programmed in other languages. How do you call a function in access?

Just treat it the same as any other function :)


I needed to round to the nearest 1000 and found this link to be very helpful!

This is some of what is included on the site:

Round to $1000
The Round() function in Excel accepts negative numbers for the number of decimal places, e.g. Round(123456, -3) rounds to the nearest 1000. Unfortunately, the Access function does not support this.

To round to the nearest $1000, divide by 1000, round, and multiply by 1000. Example:
1000 * Round([Amount] / 1000, 0)

To round down to the lower $1000, divide by 1000, get the integer value, and multiply by 1000. Example:
1000 * Int([Amount] / 1000)

To round up to the higher $1000, divide by 1000, negate before you get the integer value. Example:
-1000 * Int( [Amount] / -1000)

To round towards zero, use Fix() instead of Int().
out of interest - why round at all? what is the purpose of the rounding?
Why oh why is mod (supose int comes close), roundup and rounddown not included in Access as basic functions. Works a treat in Excel.
Why oh why is mod (supose int comes close), roundup and rounddown not included in Access as basic functions. Works a treat in Excel.


round mod int fix / (integer division, as oppsed to normal \) are all available in access vba.

probably others as well

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