Run Time Error 3061

Did somebody get distracted while posting and miss all the intervening posts that solved the issues? :p
No problem, and you too!

I've got another question about this. The code works - I changed the "..." to "TT" for team teachers. Couldn't see the dots on the button very well. BUT now I'm having trouble making sure only the button pertaining to the team teacher related to the course just updated is the ONLY button with the TT on it. Now all the buttons next to all the courses related to that educator have the TT on them and that's not necessarily true.

Is there some way to structure the code so only THAT button is updated to reflect the team teacher relationship?

The code I'm using to put the TT on the button is -

Forms!frmTeacherDataNew!frmClassDetailSub!CmdTeam.Caption = ("TT")

Thank you for the guidance.

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