Save and create new record

Hi mike60smart

The values are now updating properly but the big problem that still remains is that when you open any of the subforms from the tabs they open up with values that a user can accidentally change. I would like them to open to blank fields. Also, to prevent users from adding duplicate vendors, staff, etc, do I change the table values to not allow duplicates? Thanks.

You would not allow any of your users to add new Vendors or Staff

They would only be allowed to select from the list available in Combobox's for specific Vendors and Staff.
Hi mike60smart

I do want users to have the capability to add new staff, customers and vendors. The problem that I am experiencing is that when the form is opened, the user can easily edit the displayed value not knowing that they are affecting a previously saved value. I want them open onto a blank form. They can at any time call up an existing entry edit or delete it if they wish. Thanks
Also, to prevent users from adding duplicate vendors, staff, etc, do I change the table values to not allow duplicates?

For future reference, you CAN prevent duplicates but will often run into issues that make that... problematic.

If Josh Smith is working for you, but you go ahead and hire Josh Smith (No relation) to work in a different department, how would you handle this? If you make it so the first name/last name is unique, do you force one to change their name?

For employees and vendors this does not occur often, but it will for customers. Identifying a different way of making each unique is a better solution.
Thanks for your comments. I will keep this in mind as I progress developing this database. At the moment the client is doing it all hand. I am trying to help them move to a more automated way of handling this process.

The forms are blanked out which is what I wanted but it also blanks out those records that are already there from showing up in the navigation bar at the bottom of each tab. When I select a tab it shows the navigation bar as 1 of 1. Any way to have both things available? Thanks

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