Save As Word Document


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:34
Jun 27, 2001
Hi All...
I'm using the code
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Myreport", "Rich Text Format(*.rtf)", "C:\Documents\MyWordDocumentName.doc"
to save my report as word document.
The problem is that I open a form to filter a specific report according to IdNo and I want to save that report only and not all the records in my table.
How can I do that...
Other point is :
Is't possible to open my report in word without saving it...
:mad: Thank you all

Base your report on a query and use the criteria line in the
query to restrict the report to the appropriate record. If you
have a key field called EmployeeID, you can put:


Then, just run your report.

Great it works well.
Thank you
My point was not to create a query and try to pick a data directly from a table by stLinkCriteria but it may not work.
How about opening a word document without saving :D

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