This was not intended as a replacement but rather as a suggestion for an alternative design of the code. 
If you want to add something after 3 months, for example, it is advantageous if the code is easy to read.
For example:
I consider the names of the recordsets rs and rst to be potentially error-prone.
You might accidentally write rs somewhere in the code even though you meant rst and when you quickly look over the code you might not even notice it. Hence my renaming to rsHeader and rsDetail (or better: rsPurchLines or PurchItems)

If you want to add something after 3 months, for example, it is advantageous if the code is easy to read.
For example:
For Each itm In Json("data")("saleList")
NewPurchID = AddPurchaseHeader(rsHeader, itm) ' Function returns new value from PurchID
AddPurchaseItems rsDetail, itm("itemList"), NewPurchID
For Each itm In JSON("data")("saleList")
'Process data.
'Purchases header details to saved in the parent table
rs("OurTPIN") = itm("spplrTpin")
rs("bhfId") = itm("spplrBhfId")
rs("spplrInvcNo") = itm("spplrInvcNo")
rs("rcptTyCd") = itm("rcptTyCd")
rs("pmtTyCd") = itm("pmtTyCd")
rs("cfmDt") = itm("cfmDt")
rs("pchsDt") = CDate(Format$((itm("salesDt")), "00/00/00"))
rs("wrhsDt") = itm("stockRlsDt")
rs("totItemCnt") = itm("totItemCnt")
rs("taxblAmtA") = itm("taxblAmtA")
rs("taxblAmtB") = itm("taxblAmtB")
rs("taxRtA") = itm("taxRtA")
rs("taxRtB") = itm("taxRtB")
rs("taxRtD") = itm("taxRtD")
rs("taxRtB") = itm("taxRtB")
rs("taxAmtA") = itm("taxAmtA")
rs("taxAmtB") = itm("taxAmtB")
rs("taxAmtC1") = itm("taxAmtC1")
rs("taxAmtC2") = itm("taxAmtC2")
rs("taxAmtD") = itm("taxAmtD")
rs("totTaxblAmt") = itm("totTaxblAmt")
rs("totTaxAmt") = itm("totTaxAmt")
rs("totAmt") = itm("totAmt")
rs("remark") = itm("remark")
rs("regrNm") = "Admin"
rs("regrId") = "Admin"
rs("modrNm") = "Admin"
rs("modrId") = "Admin"
'Purchases details to saved in the child table
' z = 1 ' <-- What is this for? It is not even declared
For Each lineItm In itm("itemList")
rst("itemSeq") = lineItm("itemSeq")
rst("itemCd") = lineItm("itemCd")
rst("itemClsCd") = lineItm("itemClsCd")
rst("itemNm") = lineItm("itemNm")
rst("bcd") = lineItm("bcd")
rst("pkg") = lineItm("pkg")
rst("qtyUnitCd") = lineItm("qtyUnitCd")
rst("qty") = lineItm("qty")
rst("prc") = lineItm("prc")
rst("splyAmt") = lineItm("splyAmt")
rst("dcRt") = lineItm("dcRt")
rst("dcAmt") = lineItm("dcAmt")
rst("taxblAmt") = lineItm("taxblAmt")
rst("taxAmt") = lineItm("vatAmt")
rst("totAmt") = lineItm("totAmt")
rst("vatCatCd") = lineItm("vatCatCd")
rst("PurchID") = DLast("PurchID", "tblpurchases")
I consider the names of the recordsets rs and rst to be potentially error-prone.
You might accidentally write rs somewhere in the code even though you meant rst and when you quickly look over the code you might not even notice it. Hence my renaming to rsHeader and rsDetail (or better: rsPurchLines or PurchItems)
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