scheduled runs (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 13:29
May 18, 2020
My OS is Win 10 x64, and have an office 365 access database 16 program.
My bat file launches access program when invoked from inside a task scheduler.
Recently have noticed that when bat executed from task scheduler and Access is launched, the vba code in timer halts or hangs somewhere.
If I execute the bat file manually, it all works as normal as used to.
Even running Access.CompactRepair from inside vbscript is halts too if invoked from scheduler but not if invoked manually..
Not sure what happens.
I can not change the Macro settings, it is all greyed out.
Last edited:
on that pc, it might be a protection issue.... set enable all macros:

set Trust center settings:
access menu:
trust center, (left pane)
trust center settings btn, (right pane)
Macro Settings,(left pane)
Enable all macros

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