Search engine question.........


Local time
Yesterday, 22:57
Oct 22, 2004
I was searching for some info yesterday, wasn't getting any results on google so I went to I havent used them in years but I thought I'd give em a shot. Strange thing happened.... As I typed in the question...... EVERY question I have typed in other search sites is listed! I have tried deleting and clearing history in the two browsers on my computer... IE and Netscape, but nothing. This history is still here! Can someone tell me where this is stored? Not only do I enjoy privacy but I can just imagine how much space this could soon occupy!
So someone please tell me how to get rid of this and how if possible to set my system to STOP logging my search questions!

Your computer isn't logging this information, the government is! Your browser as a service to you, pulls that information from the gov. site. I mean, if you were to say search on "obtaining nuclear waste for a dirty bomb" the gov. needs to know that! :rolleyes:
As I understand it that was how they determined Iraq had WMD, when one of Saddam's sons searched Vivisimo..... :p
Have you tried this?
In IE. Tools, Internet Options, Content tab, Autocomplete.
There are 3 check boxes. Web, Forms and User names and passwords.
Are any checked?
I assume you're being ironic, FoFa. ;) :D

CEH, if you're using Internet Explorer, go to Tools --> Internet Options --> Content. In that tab, at the bottom is the "Personal Information" section with a button called Autocomplete. Click it, and in the popup window remove the checkmark from "Use Autocomplete: Forms". You can also clear your Autocomplete history there.
You beat me to it Kraj.
I would have beaten you its just that the web page took at least that long to refresh. Seems kinda slow today.
Actually, you beat me to it. And yeah, the site has been crawling.
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Well, I've done everthing you suggested in IE, in fact that was my first step....IE seems to be fine..... But I dont use IE. Netscape seems to be the problem...... BUT... ONLY when you tell the page to "display like firefox" the search box becomes a drop down list of all my searches! Has to be residing someplace!
Kraj said:
if you're using Internet Explorer, go to Tools --> Internet Options --> Content. In that tab, at the bottom is the "Personal Information" section with a button called Autocomplete. Click it, and in the popup window remove the checkmark from "Use Autocomplete: Forms". You can also clear your Autocomplete history there.

Kuddos Kraj. Where does a young guy like you get all that knowledge from ;)
Well, problem solved........ But I still do not know where the files or logs were hiding! I ended up deleting all Netscape and files and deleting any references to Netscape and Mozilla in th regstry. Probably not the best way to do it but it worked. I reloaded Netscape after this and no more search history was there. I ould still like to know where they hide these files if anyone knows.
The files were hiding in a history folder somewhere in the bowels of the folder tree created when you installed Netscape. I'd tell you where but I have had to use IE for too long now. The Netscape I used to use is probably so far out of date that doesn't even spell its folder names the same way any more.
In other words, move on to a better browser! Think Firefox! :D

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