Search fields on form with results in subform


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Today, 18:18
Jul 22, 2013

I want to enter text boxes on a form that are linked to certain fields on a table and when search criteria is typed in show the results in a table on a subform. Can anyone help me with this?

Unfortunately I am very inexperienced with this type of thing so what may be a very simple solution is proving evasive!
Thanks Paul. That puts me a lot closer to what I want. What I am looking to do is have four text boxes attached to fields (i.e. Customer, Brand, Product, Date) and be able to type in each box to filter down the results to rows matching those four bits of information.


What I am looking to do is have four text boxes attached to fields (i.e. Customer, Brand, Product, Date) and be able to type in each box to filter down the results to rows matching those four bits of information.
The search boxes (the 4 text boxes) should be unbound, else you change the underlying data.

I have now managed to achieve what I was intending thanks to both of your help.

If I could push for a little more help it would be appreciated. I have six unbound text boxes which when I fill with information and run my search query returns the results in a table. If I leave a box blank it doesn't return any result.

Is there a way I can change the query so that it returns results regardless of which text boxes I enter information? To try and make myself clearer;

Box 1 would be customer group. Here I would enter what type of customer I have.

Box 2 would be Brand Group. Here I would type the brand I am looking looking for.

Box 3 would be product. Self explanatory!

If I only want to see records of a certain customer group I want to be able to just enter the customer group name in the box. However if I want to see people of a certain customer group, who have a certain brand I want to enter the info into both customer group and brand group box and have results returned. Alternatively I might want to look at just records with a certain product or records with a certain brand.

Sorry if this is rambling a bit!


What you need now requires a different approach that what you JBB's code does. The link I provided searches multiple fields through a single control entry. What you want is multiple field search through multiple control entry. It will need the use of Nz function in your criteria.

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