Security drama


Local time
Tomorrow, 04:35
Oct 28, 2001
After reading many topics recommending the access security wizard I thought I would give it a go.
Made a backup copy and ran through the wizard.
On re-opening access now I cannot open any of my databases. Askes for a password but I dont remember specifying one during the setup process. access says Not a valid account name or password. Have tried Uppercase, lowercase and any combination without success. (Including none)

My other networked computer at home will open any Db except the one that I used during the wizard process.
Printed out the Security Wizard report as suggested but did not seem to provide any assistance.

Any help greatfully accepted.

Access Sec fix

I totaly lost access to every Access program I had. I ran the Sec Wizard on the LAN for the single data base and everything got messed up.
Search for WRKGADM.EXE and run it. Create a new one and drop it were it suggustes. (not under System were I was told by a co-worker). I replaced the copy there and eveything works fine now !

Good luck !:)
After being locked out of my Db's access was still open so I searched help - security wizard and there is an explanation of sorts in there. Basically did what you said and now everything seems OK. Lucky I did print the security wizard report as suggested as the settings in the report are used to generate the new file.
Thanks for the reply.
Guess I'm just old fashioned.

In the last 10 years of making Access applications I have never used the security "Wizard" (?).

Also I have never had any problems related to Access security.

Could there be a connection here ?

dumb but happy,
Starting to agree. As my databases dont contain any sensitve data I think I'll give access security a miss for the time being. After viewing a link at teck-tips I have disabled the shift start up ability.

Just put 2 tranperant buttons in the bottom corners of an "About" form I created. Well no one ever looks at them. How often have you gone Help - About.

Put the code to disable on a double click on the button with a msgbox saying "GoodBye"

In the other corner, same thing, msgbox "Hello"

At least I can know when the shift option is active.
Along with hiding the DB window and disabling the F11, and a couple of custom menus, the database is tamperproof enough for the average punter.

Dave wrote
Starting to agree. As my databases dont contain any sensitve data I think I'll give access security a miss for the time being.

I probably mis stated my position. I always make secured Access apps but I **never** use any "wizard" to accomplish this.

It seems that a lot of the problems posted in this forum relate to the unfortunate result of using some wizard. IMO, life as an Access developer is better without most wizards.

cranky but hopeful,

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