Separate Politics and Religion from Water Cooler.


Active member
Local time
Today, 02:38
Apr 2, 2024
I'm old fashioned and don't believe that politics and religion should be aired in a public place with strangers, but not banned. I'd like to see then separated off from the water cooler: in every job I ever had water cooler type chats avoided them like the plague!

Just remember the old Music Hall song 'Two Lovely Black Eyes'.

Strolling so happily down Bethnal Green
This gay youth you might have seen
Tompkins and I, with his girl between
Oh what a surprise,
I praised the Conservatives frank and free
Tompkins got angry so speedily
All in a moment he handed to me
Two lovely black eyes.

Two lovely black eyes
Oh what a surprise
Only for telling a man he was wrong
Two lovely black eyes.

Next time, I argued, I though it best
To give the Conservative side a rest
The merits of Gladstone I freely pressed
When Oh what a surprise
The chap I had met was a Tory true
Nothing the Liberals right could do
This was my share of that argument too
Two lovely black eyes.

The moral you’ve caught I can hardly doubt
Never on politics rave and shout
Leave it to others to fight it out
If you would be wise
Better far, better it is to let
Liberals and Tories alone you bet
Unless you willing and anxious to get
Two lovely black eyes.
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I understand that view and indeed, we do have a Politics section. It is for the members to decide what we should do regarding this, but you did bring up an important issue.
Jon beat me to it. There IS a "Politics & Current Events" section but there is no gatekeeper to that section or the Watercooler. So post where you think it is best but don't be surprised that someone thought another place was better.
Are mods not able to move a thread to a more appropriate section?
Yes, but we have enough to do to move tech threads to the right sections and get rid of spammers. If someone asks, many of us will make the move, but if nobody specifically calls something out, "let sleeping dogs lie." (No offense intended for your avatar, David.)
and here I thought politics and religion was the only interesting watercooler chat, really.

all that's left is pictures of our grandsons and what we're planning for the weekend.

i mean this from a perspective of actual employment scenarios, closest relationships I formed were over just getting together and bitching about politics (and social issues in general, which you may or may not call politics)

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