Separating data within a table


New member
Local time
Today, 10:59
Nov 4, 2010

Surprise, surprise, I'm new to this forum, and have a million silly questions. But I shall start at the beginning.

I have imported some data with around 10 coulmns. In one of these columns is the date/time. I need to separate this information, and enable me to append my existing table. Previously, I would export to excel and run a text to column.

But I don't want to do that. I want to run it in Access. I did notice a function called DATEPART. However, not too sure if this is the correct function for my requirement.

Help !!!

Many thanks

Check out the DateValue() and TimeValue() functions, which take a Date/Time variable and return only the date portion, or time portion, as the case may be.
Brilliant, it took a little while working out how to use the DateValue and TimeValue expressions within my query but it works very well. It has separated out the date and time without impacting on the table data.

Many thanks for your help.

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