Because he thought Access had made a mistake and he never understood the problem.
I don't see where you've won any logic points anywhere in this thread.
Still in use by SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL et al so don't disparage jet and ACE for that. You've already been told to not use Jet or ACE for your application.
No it doesn't. I think I mention that somewhere. If you have a high-speed data entry application where dozens of transactions are added every minute, you could run into duplicates but it really depends on what your constricting values are for the sequence. I've posted suggestions in numerous threads on how to solve the problem by intercepting the "duplicate" message and looping to try again. I didn't post code because the timing is different depending on whether your BE is Jet/ACE or some RDBMS, plus very few applications here are so busy that this would be a common problem.
It doesn't allow duplicates to be added provided you've made the CustomSeqNum unique and required so no bad record could be added but it does not take the next step of the loop.
Of course, what else would it do? That is why the sequence number is a separate field in a multi-field index.
NO, It is NOT FINE. A sequence number is just that. A
NUMBER that is larger (usually by 1 but the gap can be larger as you'll see if you look at my examples where I make the gap 10 to allow for manual inserts). If you want to add letters, you need to use separate fields and define rules. You can't just randomly add letters to a numeric field. That is what you do in a spreadsheet, not a relational database.
Because you don't understand the way Access works. The point of the autonumber is to be a UNIQUE identifier, Not an actual sequence number so it makes no difference whatsoever if gaps occur. Also, if you use forms bound to other RDBMS' you will notice that the Identity column (what SQL Server calls an autonumber) is not immediately assigned. It is NOT assigned until Access sends the append statement to the server and the server returns the assigned Identity value.
If you have an application with separate BE's consolidation becomes a problem. I've had instances where I needed disconnected updates. That means that all databases need a unique code and a sequence number. You would NEVER use an autonumber in this situation. You would use custom generated unique IDs with two fields. The DBID and the SeqNum. You can use an autonumber as the PK for convenience but in the consolidated table, the PK is the DBID + SeqNum and the reference number becomes the autonumber to the disconnected db.
Autonumbers are not a problem for PKs for multi-user applications. Multi-BE applications are extremely rare. For synchronization reasons, you can't use autonumbers. You need to use a two-field PK comprised of a field to identify a source database and a sequence number to identify the specific record in that table. Technically, the sequence number could be an autonumber. The problem comes when you combine the sources into the master. Obviously, autonumbers generated in one db will conflict with autonumbers in another so you need a two-field UniqueIndex. Then the master table can actually use an autonumber as the PK. You just have to sync the child records when appending from the remote to the master databases. Not that hard. If you don't use the autonumber as part of the unique index in the remote table, then you should include the autonumber to ease referencing to the child tables.
How patronizing can you get? You are talking to people who have developed applications for the military and for Fortune 100 companies with thousands of concurrent users and millions of rows in tables. It has been more than 20 years since I've personally had to worry about sync'ing disconnected databases. In this networked world, it doesn't happen any more. Everyone has an internet connection and if push comes to shove and you are worried about a new customer going across town to a different store and expecting his customer account to be already active, I think you probably need to get a little more realistic in the problems you create. What is stopping the form that creates a new account from reporting that via email to the mothership? The mothership can process email every minute to ensure nothing slips by.
OMG. I'm so impressed with your credentials. It is like being looked down upon by royalty. I'm not sure why you deign to waste your time even talking to us. What could we possibly tell you.

They didn't handle it at all if they had no network connected. They couldn't even carry on with local processing

Because they still work? So why spend millions to recreate them in some new technology?