session timeout

another interesting thing regarding this annoyance:

This forum is not the only place that is logging me out after 10 minutes. Another site that is doing this to me is a dating website I am part of. None of the big boys are doing it though...including Gmail, Ebay and Facebook. And the latest occurrance has happened when connected to a strong wi fi network. :rolleyes:
did any of you mods say anything to Jon about this? All day today I've been on both my mobile hotspot and on a high speed wi fi network and I've not been logged out once despite long periods of inactivity.
Ah, that's interesting. Check to see the timeout settings on each of your internet zones. They can differ.
timeout happening again! and I just got internet service at my house, AND I'm hard wired in with an ethernet cable. :rolleyes: where is Jon when we need him?
When you set up your network, you have four zones. One is "local" and the other end of that spectrum is the public / general Internet. There is also a "Trusted Sites" setup and a restricted sites category. Here is a reference for it:

On Win10, you call up the Settings panel and type in Control Panel (to get the older style of panel. 'cause you can't do squat with the Win10 Settings panel.) Then select the Internet Options from that panel. When you do, you get a tabbed control. Select the Security tab and you will see exactly what I am talking about.
When you set up your network, you have four zones. One is "local" and the other end of that spectrum is the public / general Internet. There is also a "Trusted Sites" setup and a restricted sites category. Here is a reference for it:
that article is all about IE. I use chrome. where in the CP on WIN 7 would I find this stuff Richard? see attached.


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this site freezes up on me quite often, particularly when there are a lot of posts in a thread that have to be loaded when the page loads (I have my settings set to show like 50 posts per page), and during log ins and time outs. And again it freezes up when I try to scroll up and down on these pages that have a lot of posts on them. The progress bar at the bottom of chrome during these freeze ups always says "waiting for cache" or "establishing connection".

Do you think this is relevant?
timeout happening again! and I just got internet service at my house, AND I'm hard wired in with an ethernet cable. :rolleyes: where is Jon when we need him?

I do not see how Jon can help you. You have already stated that it happens on other sites.? The fact that no one else seems to have these particular problems, would lead me to think it is your setup.?

I have the odd site where I have to use Firefox or Pale Moon to access it as the site does not work correctly in Chrome, for me at least.

I use Chrome as my main browser, and this siite works fine for me, and a lot of the others I suspect.?
vba_php said:
where in the CP on WIN 7 would I find this stuff Richard? see attached.

The_Doc_Man said:
select the Internet Options from that panel. When you do, you get a tabbed control. Select the Security tab and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

Adam, you might try reading a little closer. I told you where look in the post where I gave the link. This isn't about a browser setting. It is a system-wide setting. I'm going to presume that that the registry stuff is addressed by the other browsers at least to some degree.

Concur with Gasman in that we aren't seeing the problem and you ARE seeing it on sites other than AWF. That makes it a problem on your end of the network pipe, not Jon's end. That doesn't mean I won't think about this, but at the moment it sounds like you have something that time-limits cookies or that periodically erases cookies. OR maybe you do it yourself and don't realize it. Logging out of the implied session simply means that you tossed your cookies relating to same. So I would look for anything that affects cookie lifetime including automatic cookie purges.
i'll continue to research for now. this thread is a little too long. btw the other sites have a 20 minute timeout each, per the admins.
Chrome has an option for clearing cookies on exit on required sites.
Not something I have ever set however.
btw the other sites have a 20 minute timeout each, per the admins.

That is how long a session token (stored in a cookie) will remain valid, but that usually applies to financial sites, sales sites, and certain government sites. However, validity of a login on a help site or social site is not the same. There can be a difference in the way a site responds to cookies. There is a basic identity cookie, which is probably how AWF remembers who I am, and there is a banking session identifier, which is something you don't want to leave dangling because it has access to your bank info. Different cookies for different purposes.
Chrome has an option for clearing cookies on exit on required sites.
i got a call from an actual software engineer at my bank yesterday about another annoying thing that happens on my laptop, and it happens for many sites including the bank, github and others, by way the device is not recognized so I have to verify it via a secure code. The fist thing the engineer says is:

"The browser has an option setting whereby cooking are cleared every time you exit." My first thought was: "I've been doing your job for 12 years now and you seriously think I wouldn't have covered that before making a call to someone like you!?"
The only way for you to lose that identity is if you lose "persistent cookies" - which is how your identity retention is implemented. EITHER the web site set a short expiration on you OR you have something that erases cookies. It has to be some incorrect setting on your system that euthanizes your persistent cookies because nothing else is related to that issue for web sites.
It has to be some incorrect setting on your system that euthanizes your persistent cookies because nothing else is related to that issue for web sites.

Am I to look in other places besides chrome's cache? I've already verified that previous cookie files that were put there during the first secure code verfication remain in the directory when this happens again.
You can see the cookies in the appropriate folder? Can you see the dates in them?

At this point, I am out of my depth. If the cookies are still present and still have valid / usable dates, then it must be a setting in Chrome, and I use Firefox. I have no advice.
You can see the cookies in the appropriate folder? Can you see the dates in them?
I can see the files in the directory, but if I open the files they are unreadable. I see no date info in the files and login information IS readable but the usernames and passwords are hashed.

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