Set default value of a field based upon another field

If you want to change the actual any time initial is changed, then don't have conditional code, just reset the actual every time initial is changed. As stated in post 12, use initial AfterUpdate event.

To clarify, you are not setting DefaultValue property, you are just filling in a field with some calculated data.
TheDBguy, go easy on me I'm just a keen newby. What i wish to do is lookup a value, then be able to keep this or amend it and save it in another field. This is for freight cost, where may be a requirement to use a different value to that in the lookup in this instance. If not, the value is prefilled. I thought i'd be able to simply set the default value of the receiving field equal to that of the lookup ie default value = (combolookup) but square brackets.

Okay, I think we can avoid further confusion and get to a solution sooner if you could post a sample copy of your database with test data. Can you?
theDBguy, sure can, just bear with me.

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