Setting Forms Font

I just tried it. You can change it but the font doesn't stay.
it does for me (using 2010)

Process I used

1. create a new form
2. drag a query onto it - it will create a datasheet form
3. open form
4. click on subform
5. navigate to home>text formatting
6. format away
7. save and close the form
8. reopen form - formatting (including font) still in play

other ways I tried - this doesn't work
1. open query
2. format away
3. save the query
4. create a new form
5. drag the query onto it - a datasheet form will be created
7. open the form - format per query is lost

but this does work
1. open query
2. format away
3. save the query
4. create a new form
5. create a subform control, do not complete
6. in subform sourceobject put Query.nameOfQuery
7. swap to open form
8. formatting per original query displayed
I used the first process and in the current version of Access, the formatting doesn't stick. I tried saving in form view and opening in design view after the change and saving there. No luck.

Not clear why changing font in VBA is a problem.
Not clear why changing font in VBA is a problem.
it's not as far as I am concerned. Provides more control and less likely to be 'hijacked' by a user. But if it doesn't stick in later versions, then VBA is the only way forward
The first method does work (and stick) for me using 365. Its how I've always done this both for datasheet forms & subforms
Well worth knowing, and some good info here. It must have been the Open View text change I was looking for (in design view).
Thank you both.

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