Shoes? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 15:35
Mar 30, 2012
Anyone want to shell out $400 bucks for crappy looking gold shoes? You can wear them to your next class at Trump University, or wear them on y our next Trump airline flight, or while your taking your Trump urine test.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:35
Feb 28, 2001
I've seen the kicks that basketball players will advertise with their name on them. Not interested in anything that any celebrity endorses, as that is a scam to inflate the price of cheap goods. Not only politicians but athletes and musicians and actors.


Active member
Local time
Today, 23:35
Dec 31, 2020
Story I heard was that Americans were frantically buying these noddy boots as they considered it their patriotic duty to have a pair.

So as an Englishmen, I'm somewhat surprised to see what appear to be negative comments.


Local time
Today, 18:35
Jan 11, 2013
Some idiot paid $9,000 for an autographed pair. Meanwhile he complains that he can't afford groceries.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:35
May 22, 2010
I guess you get what you pay for.



Well-known member
Local time
Today, 15:35
Mar 30, 2012
I've seen the kicks that basketball players will advertise with their name on them. Not interested in anything that any celebrity endorses, as that is a scam to inflate the price of cheap goods. Not only politicians but athletes and musicians and actors.
I saw a calculation that it would take over 1 miilion pair of shoes sold to cover his judgements.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 18:35
Feb 19, 2002
Wouldn't that be fitting. Then all the judgements get cancelled and he has the money to cover his legal fees;)

Why you people suffering from TDS are so happy about the judgements escapes me. Why are you OK that the Dems broke the US system of justice?


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 15:35
Mar 30, 2012
Fitting? Why Pat, you do have a sense of humor. How did the Dems do that, break the Justice system?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:35
May 22, 2010
Has nothing to do with shoes.

Donald Trump's Truth Social is poised to make its Wall Street debut...

Could be in the billions

BTW they made a 1000 pairs, all sold in 2 days.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 18:35
Feb 19, 2002
How did the Dems do that, break the Justice system?
Let me count the ways.
1. Citizens can no longer rely on lawyer/client privilege
2. Presidents can no longer rely on being able to confer with his staff without worrying about them being called to testify against him.
3. Presidents no longer have Presidential immunity. That means, when we don't like things that Biden did while in office, we can bring lawsuits against him personally for decisions he made as President. Talk about human trafficking, arming our enemies, and let us not forget Obama taking out American citizens with a drone in direct violation of US law.
4. If your politics is wrong, you get sentenced to 11 years in prison for praying at an abortion clinic.
5. If your politics are right, you get way with knocking cops to the ground and beating them up. You also get aways with burning down buildings and police cars and occupying public buildings, etc.
6. If your color is right, you shoplift with impunity.
7. If the Dems think you'll vote for them, they'll register you to vote even if you are in the country illegally.
8. In California, if you are illegal, you can be hired as a cop and even be licensed to carry a firearm off duty. Try that if you're a citizen.
9. If you're in the country illegally, we house and feed you, give you phones and debit cards.

Should I go on?


Local time
Today, 18:35
Jan 11, 2013
1. Citizens can no longer rely on lawyer/client privilege
Sure they can. They just can't conspire with their attorney to commit crimes.

2. Presidents can no longer rely on being able to confer with his staff without worrying about them being called to testify against him.
Sure they can. They just can't conspire with their staff to commit crimes.

3. Presidents no longer have Presidential immunity.
Sure they do. Just not concerning committing crimes.

4. If your politics is wrong, you get sentenced to 11 years in prison for praying at an abortion clinic.
No you don't. Only if you violate the Face Act.

In California, if you are illegal, you can be hired as a cop and even be licensed to carry a firearm off duty. Try that if you're a citizen.
No you can't. You can if you have work authorization, but then you wouldn't be illegal.

6. If your color is right, you shoplift with impunity.
Which color would that be?

Should I go on?
Please do.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:35
Feb 19, 2002
Sure they can. They just can't conspire with their attorney to commit crimes.
And just how do you determine this? You revoke the privilege so you can investigate. Duh!
Sure they can. They just can't conspire with their staff to commit crimes.
I guess you've never had a high level management job or you would understand what gets said during thinking sessions.
No you don't. Only if you violate the Face Act.
Funny how the Face Act only gets applied when people pray in front of abortion clinics. If the pro-abortion crowd interfere with pro life clinics or churches, the Face Act never gets applied. Hmmmmm.

No you can't. You can if you have work authorization, but then you wouldn't be illegal.
I love the image. You take a criminal, wave your magic wand and remove the "crime" so he gets to go to the head of the line and bypass all the other honest applicants who have spent thousands of dollars on lawyers and waited years. Then you give him a gun.
Which color would that be?
Black from the videos we see on TV. It isn't always easy to tell since most are now wearing face masks. This may now be an equal opportunity crime so it is no longer just blacks. Probably why everyone is now masked up. You can't justify allowing a white kid to shoplift. White kids are by definition not victims so they would never get away with shoplifting. They would have to be arrested.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 15:35
Mar 30, 2012
Let me count the ways.
1. Citizens can no longer rely on lawyer/client privilege
2. Presidents can no longer rely on being able to confer with his staff without worrying about them being called to testify against him.
3. Presidents no longer have Presidential immunity. That means, when we don't like things that Biden did while in office, we can bring lawsuits against him personally for decisions he made as President. Talk about human trafficking, arming our enemies, and let us not forget Obama taking out American citizens with a drone in direct violation of US law.
4. If your politics is wrong, you get sentenced to 11 years in prison for praying at an abortion clinic.
5. If your politics are right, you get way with knocking cops to the ground and beating them up. You also get aways with burning down buildings and police cars and occupying public buildings, etc.
6. If your color is right, you shoplift with impunity.
7. If the Dems think you'll vote for them, they'll register you to vote even if you are in the country illegally.
8. In California, if you are illegal, you can be hired as a cop and even be licensed to carry a firearm off duty. Try that if you're a citizen.
9. If you're in the country illegally, we house and feed you, give you phones and debit cards.

Should I go on?
No Need. Trump is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. However, there was enough evidence, that was strong enough, to convince grand juries. Are you saying that all the people that were on those juries were tainted? I am only talkng about Trump. Not talking about immigration, or the price if tea in China, or will the Red Wings make the playoffs. BTW, I do not agree with the off topic points you made. I say again, I was only talking about the former Con Man in Chief. Another question regarding MAGA. Just exactly when did the USA loose it's greatness, what year was that, or what series of events caused that to happen. The economy is cooking, all my stock is up, unemplyment is down. Inquiring minds want to know.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:35
Feb 19, 2002
Are you saying that all the people that were on those juries were tainted?
Given the venues, yes.
The economy is cooking,
It is not. Check out the massive layoffs.
all my stock is up
That's because the Fed is continuing to keep the interest rate low and inflation has dramatically inflated profits.
unemplyment is down.
That's because way too many people have multiple jobs because they can't live on just one.
what year was that, or what series of events caused that to happen
Goes back to the 70's when we elected to get involved in a war we didn't intend to win. Eisenhower warned us about this in the 50's but we didn't listen hard enough. The military/industrial complex now controls our economy. We NEED to be at war. Any war, preferably one we don't want to win, just prolong.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 15:35
Mar 30, 2012
Given the venues, yes.

It is not. Check out the massive layoffs.

That's because the Fed is continuing to keep the interest rate low and inflation has dramatically inflated profits.

That's because way too many people have multiple jobs because they can't live on just one.

Goes back to the 70's when we elected to get involved in a war we didn't intend to win. Eisenhower warned us about this in the 50's but we didn't listen hard enough. The military/industrial complex now controls our economy. We NEED to be at war. Any war, preferably one we don't want to win, just prolong.
On the first point, criminals should always have their trials moved to a jusridiction that is most favorable to them? Is that how it should work? I don't think so. The rule is that crimes are prosecuted where they occurred. Which is why the documents case is being tried in FLorida, the New York crimes in New York, the Georgia crimes in Georgia. Unless you think that all the rules were changed just to get Trump. Those rules were in effect long before the Hustler in Chief showed up.

BTW, the first President that sent troops to Viet Nam was JFK in the 60s, only special forces, instructors. Then LBJ expanded it (Rolling Thunder was a joke). I was in the military at that time . Then Nixon lied about it. I was a civilian when he did that, (Peace with honor).

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 18:35
Feb 19, 2002
On the first point, criminals should always have their trials moved to a jusridiction that is most favorable to them?
Neutral is best. When a fair trial is not possible due to local bias, then yes, the trial needs to be moved.
the New York crimes in New York
Neither of these cases constituted a crime and both were designed specifically for DJT. Letitia James ran her campaign on "get Trump". That is very Stalinesque if you know anything about history. The other idiocy was a law that was resurrected for a limited time so they could find an idiot to lie and accuse Trump and go through with a trial.

Georgia seems to be falling apart at the moment. That one was also not a crime. Asking the Governor to investigate potential election fraud is not a crime. It is part of the job of the Executive branch of which the President is the head. So, even if you don't like the words Trump used to ask, it was still a request and it was part of the duty of his job and therefore falls under the Presidential Immunity understanding. If Fani and Willi need to be thrown off the case and into jail where they belong, I doubt the next prosecutor will pursue the issue.

Florida was yet another persecute Trump but condone worse actions by Biden.
If I walk into Tiffany's and walk out with a diamond necklace and they catch me, did I still commit a crime if I give the necklace back? Yes. However, in your world, you have convinced yourself that since Biden gave the top secret documents back, he didn't commit a crime. WRONG!!!!!!!!! He never had the authority to take the documents in the first place and people who do this go to jail. So, given a different administration, Biden will be charged when he leaves office and he will go to jail. See what "you" did. Also Pence is in jeopardy because he also didn't have the authority to take secret documents. If Trump prosecutes Biden, to be fair, he also needs to prosecute Pence and if there is no statute of limitations, he should also include Hillary. You and I would go to jail for what Biden, Pence, and Clinton did.

Of the 4 cases, 3 are non-crimes that they are persecuting Trump with and the fourth is an outright lie.


Local time
Today, 18:35
Jan 11, 2013
Funny how the Face Act only gets applied when people pray in front of abortion clinics.
You've mentioned this on several occasions however I have my doubts that you know anything about the case. When you say "pray in front of abortion clinics" you realize they were inside an office building filling the hallway in front of the clinic door, right? Again these were a group of real geniuses who livestreamed the event on facebook. Sounds a lot like your tourist friends. Anyway, they broadcast themselves violating the face act by blocking doors and access to the clinic. In one instance they approached a couple, on the livestream, and said something along the lines of "here's a mom coming to kill her baby. "
If the pro-abortion crowd interfere with pro life clinics or churches, the Face Act never gets applied. Hmmmmm.
Not quite sure if I've ever heard of a pro-life clinic nor why a pro-choice person would ever want to protest one.
How would the face act ever apply to a church?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:35
Feb 19, 2002
I am not standing up for anyone who commits violent acts as a means of protest. Protesting should be peaceful. Blocking entrance should not be allowed, nor should blocking traffic. But somehow this is yet another type of DOJ weaponization that works only one way. CRUSH the pro life people. Don't bother to prosecute the pro abortion people. Eleven years in prison is pretty excessive for blocking access. I would have expected them to have burned the place down and actually injured people like the BLM and ANTIFA people do. I haven't heard of any of them getting 11 years for peaceful protests. They don't get 11 years for burning down city blocks and killing people in the process.

So here's a bunch of links. Near as I could tell there seems to be only one Florida FACE act case brought against the pro abortion people.


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