Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

Yes! Are you a Duke? Like the Duke of Essex? You might not know this but we have royalty here. For starters we have queen Latifa, she is a made up queen just like yours. Then we have the fresh prince, he’s also a made up prince similar to yours. We also have the dukes of hazard. And we have a king you may have heard of The Lion King. The lion king is my favorite, which one is yours?

America only has (had) one King - Elvis.

How can a pervert be compared to Elvis?

By ignoring their off-stage lives.

A lot of people were VERY different in their private lives when compared to their public personae. One of the scariest guys in film was Vincent Price, an actor whose career was made playing evil or smarmy characters. His hobby? Oil painting. Or Boris Karloff, who played so many many monsters you would lose track. But he was really William Henry Pratt, an English teacher in a school.

We know of Michael Jackson's alleged perversions through criminal actions (that never produced a conviction) and civil actions. But if you look at Elvis, he wasn't squeaky clean either. He was a drug user and probably strained his heart through that abuse. His death was at least proximately caused by weakness of his heart that failed when he was on his "throne."
Recently Mick Jagger under went heart surgery. He had his choice of any hospital on the planet, but where did he go? New York, I wonder why this is. His Brother also has medical issues but he stuck in line with the UK NHS.

Am I mischaracterizing this? It seems embarrassing.
And while we're at it, why don't we contrast and compare to Alec Smith and Shane Patrick Boyle. Both died as a result of their diabetes because they couldn't afford their insulin: Alec was unable to pay $450 a month for basic insurance plus an additional $1300 a month until he met his $7600 deductible, while Shane died after his GoFundMe fell $50 short and he was unable to buy his insulin as a result. Both died because they had to ration their insulin.

You never hear those right-wing 'AMERICA HAS THE WORLD'S BEST HEALTH CARE SYSTEM' types bring up things like that; they just parrot right-wing talking points about celebrities who come to the US because the highest-paid specialists are here because they cannot bear the idea that America can do better.
The issue with Insulin is because three main suppliers are involved in, what is in effect, a trust. They've been paying off politicians to look the other way to allow them to continue in this horrid fashion. They are a shining example of why you need competition in a free market, not a small group who lock in production of a vital necessity.

They are a poster child for "Here's why you don't let ONE group dictate supply".
.. they just parrot right-wing talking points about celebrities who come to the US because the highest-paid specialists are here because they cannot bear the idea that America can do better.
Frosh, where is the equivalency does the UK have high paid specialists or not? Because if its all about the benjamins, lol I still want to live regardless of my status.
The issue with Insulin is because three main suppliers are involved in, what is in effect, a trust. They've been paying off politicians to look the other way to allow them to continue in this horrid fashion. They are a shining example of why you need competition in a free market, not a small group who lock in production of a vital necessity.

They are a poster child for "Here's why you don't let ONE group dictate supply".

Say that again and the TRUTH shall set you FREE...

But we are getting off topic...jus sayin'
does the UK have high paid specialists or not?

Yes the UK does have plenty of highly qualified specialists both in the NHS and private medicine. Mick Jagger has homes in several countries and IIRC he doesn't live in the UK for most of the year. With his wealth, he wouldn't use the NHS anyway
With his wealth, he wouldn't use the NHS anyway
So should we use UK NHS model worldwide regardless of your wealth? (Forced)

That way the world would have health care for all, but most of us would die in line?

Not to mention zero incentive to go to an 8 year college to become a specialist.
Doctors are not always in it for altruism. So the profession would suffer, for lack of talent.
The NHS model does mean that everybody gets free healthcare at the point of need. For the majority of the population the system works well. Like any other system its far from perfect. Therefore some with high incomes go private. Same with schooling.
But we are getting off topic...jus sayin'

Not at all. For most issues with gun violence, if proper mental heath screening was available and treatment was not socially stigmatized, most of the violence would not exist.

Currently, a depressed individual is often stigmatized at school or work. Same with ADHD, and a host of other issues. As people cannot see some obvious medical issue they are not treated well. Would that Nikolas Cruz have been treated for his issues rather than be in headlines.
Talking of Mr Trump. Why, when he was campaigning for presidency, he thought Wikileaks was brilliant and referred to leaked emails that were derogatory to Mrs Clinton. He also said he loved Wikileaks.
But now, he says he never heard of it and it means nothing to him.

Has he a memory problem? Or just a liar.

Colin, Trump is a situational politician. (He's learning the government game quite well.)

I have said it before and I'll say it again. When I voted for president this time around, I had to hold my nose with one hand and hope to suppress the gag reflex. The only worse choice than Donald Trump was Hillary Clinton. I want to say that they were bottom-of-the-barrel choices but I'm afraid I'll jinx the next election.

As an aside, though, that "insulin trust" is under Congressional scrutiny now and the four bosses who run the insulin-maker companies are probably finding out about public spotlights. One reason that Hillary was worse than Donald is that "big pharma" was supporting Hillary in hopes that she would expand Obamacare and let them overcharge by the ton for medicines that would be paid by soaking taxpayers. (The evidence for that drug-company influence is in the public portion of the records of the Clinton Foundation.)
I think it's fair to say that most politicians say what they think you want to hear and if necessary exaggerate the truth (if there is any). It certainly happens in the UK.
We were told if we vote to leave the EU, the £350 million per week we pay in could be spent on the NHS. A) that's not true and B) we have to pay £38 BILLION as a 'divorce' settlement - assuming everyone can agree on the exit conditions.
Total waste of time and money.

I'll have to take your word for it on the EU "divorce" because we don't see the daily discussions that much here in the USA. But I am sure that the only folks who will make any money off the deal are the politicians and the lawyers.

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