Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

Rich said:
That'll come when the next moron takes over from Bush:mad: :p

It won't come a minute too soon....:rolleyes:
KenHigg said:
It won't come a minute too soon....:rolleyes:
One can but hope, the question is of course can he undo all the damage Bush has done or will America retreat into isolationism?
Rich said:
... or will America retreat into isolationism?

I doubt it, as that probably wouldn't be in the best interest of big business...:rolleyes:
KenHigg said:
I'm guessing that was about as sincere as a GWB ..... Never mind :p
So me saying that the USA is extremely quick to respond with help /food / medical care in the aftermath of a natural disaster - which is true, they save many hundreds of lives. You now think that the USA's reaction is insincere?

You boys sure do have a lot of energy.
ColinEssex said:
So me saying that the USA is extremely quick to respond with help /food / medical care in the aftermath of a natural disaster - which is true, they save many hundreds of lives.

I'm not quite sure about the structure of this sentence so I'm inclined to ask for clarification - It started out like a question then kinda ended up like a statement of some kind...:confused:

ColinEssex said:
You now think that the USA's reaction is insincere?


Again, This is kinda gray - Do I think that when we (the USA) assist another country in time of need, is it insincere? Well, I suppose, if I catch your drift(?), some of those involved are primarily motivated by the desire to help. But I'm sure others could have other motives, say like financial or political motives...
Rich said:
No it's a hard task having to bring you guys the truth, but somebody's got to do it

Oh dear.... R vs J. Time to tune out again - ;)
KenHigg said:
I'm not quite sure about the structure of this sentence so I'm inclined to ask for clarification -
I'll try to make it simple for you then.

I said I was praising the USA only 2 days ago.

You said
I'm guessing that was about as sincere as a GWB ..... Never mind

So I'm saying, what is insincere about the USA going to save and help people?

I couldn't quite work out why you would think that about the USA's rescue efforts - thats all. Unless of course you think there is an ulterior motive on the USA's part, which I would suggest is not the case.

ColinEssex said:
I'll try to make it simple for you then.

I said I was praising the USA only 2 days ago.

Oh, ok. So now let me make it simple for you: I was going to say that your praise of the US was probably not sincere. (Can we do another topic - this one is starting to give me a headache :p )

BTW - What's 'anatony'? I googled it and couldn't find anything - ? :confused:
KenHigg said:
BTW - What's 'anatony'? I googled it and couldn't find anything - ? :confused:
An ancient Celtic word that long disappeared from the English language, basically it means qualified to educate Americans
Rich said:
An ancient Celtic word that long disappeared from the English language, basically it means qualified to educate Americans

Laughed out loud on that one :p :p - Good one :p :p - You're on top of your game today;)
COl, I think when Ken said it was insincere, he was referring to your comment about his apology and he was having a little jab back at you like you had to him. I dont think it was meant to say that the efforts of the United States and Great Britain in times of crisis and disaster was insincere.

just my take on the whole exchange
KalelGmoon said:
COl, I think when Ken said it was insincere, he was referring to your comment about his apology and he was having a little jab back at you like you had to him. I dont think it was meant to say that the efforts of the United States and Great Britain in times of crisis and disaster was insincere.

just my take on the whole exchange

Yes that was it. Good to know someone got it...whew :o

Not sure what's eating at my buddy Col these days...:(
KenHigg said:
Oh, ok. So now let me make it simple for you: I was going to say that your praise of the US was probably not sincere.
In that case I shall not praise the USA again.

Its sad that you now show that you cannot take a) constructive critisism, b) constructive praise, and c) constructive opinions.

KenHigg said:
Yes that was it. Good to know someone got it...(
Ken has many times apologised and said sorry for comments he has made then continues on the same. There is no reason to believe the recent one will be any different - thats why it is insincere.

Its like a Roman Catholic confessional - say you're sorry then carry on the next day as normal - total waste of time


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